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Adalyn's POV:
Today's the big day!

The day I'm moving to Detroit, I'm honestly sad to leave home. I've lived in Louisiana my whole entire life. I'm leaving so much. My friends,My family and My boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend Marco have been together now for 8 months. When I told him I was going to Detroit to pursue my dream he wasn't to thrilled about it. Nobody that I knew really was. My mother and father told me not to go because Detroit has a high crime rate.

Then my 3 brothers butted in. Jonah my oldest brother said "don't leave you're just leaving everything and everybody behind." My other brother  Leo told me "it's fine Adalyn you'll be back within a week living there."  They both really pissed me off. Leo and Jonah always have been the two overprotective big brothers. But then my brother Charlie told me to go pursue my dream he also told me I can do anything I set my mind to and believed him.

So I'm packing all of my stuff up right now in my apartment. I made my rounds to my friends and family saying goodbye it was hard leaving Marco behind he said he would come with me but he was in college and he couldn't just drop out. He did says he did planning on moving to me after he graduates this year.

Me and Marco had a special bond we had a lot in common, we didn't ever fight, and we both think it's going to be forever between us.

Overall it's still hard to leave the man I'm in love with.

I walked over to the door with my bag. The rest of my stuff was already in a moving truck on its way to Detroit. I grabbed my apartment keys out of my purse and placed them on the kitchen counter. I gave my apartment one last look. The memory had came back to me. I had lived here for 7 years it's so hard leaving but I'm about to start my new life in Detroit. I walked out and shut the door to the apartment holding back my tears.

Everything's going to be fine though I have a place for my club already bought along with an apartment set up for me live in.

I walked down to the lobby and waved good bye to the staff. I walked out to my uber and began to go to the airport.


Detroit Michigan

It's finally time to start my new life!

New place and a new job. I'm excited I have my own club, my own apartment, but the one thing I'm scared about is finding employees for the club. That's been really harsh for me especially.

I'm going figure everything out. After all it going well so far but I haven't even made it past the airport yet.
Standing at the gate there were so many other people the yelling and whistling for taxis filled my ears. I was freezing cold winter in Louisiana is nothing like this I shivered only having a light jacket on.  I saw a taxi coming my way and I whistled for it.

The cab came to me I hopped into the car never have I ever been more grateful  to be in a smelly cab the heat warmed my nearly frost bit body up. The driver all of a sudden spoke.

"Where to?" He asked.

"Central Park apartments ." I told him.

The driver pulled out of the pick up area and before I knew it I was in the city of Detroit. The dark of the night made all the lights in the building shine it was absolutely gorgeous. I had never been to Detroit in my life everything felt different. But a good different, it was a new start to my life and I couldn't be any happier.

I couldn't help but imagine the club, ever since I was little I always dreamed of having a new business. Of course when I was little I never thought I would be having a bar. I'm so excited to meet new people I think having friends that live here is relatively good idea.

The cab stopped at my apartment building I grabbed my purse throwing it over my shoulder. I payed thanking the driver. I got out of the car and popped the trunk getting my stuff out.  I pulled this heavy ass suitcase out of the car. The driver drove off and left me standing on the sidewalk of my new apartment building.

I began walking into the building when I suddenly dropped my wallet out of my purse. I bent down to pick it up but before I could a hooded figure did it for me. He handed me back my wallet. He looked mysterious. He wore a black hat along with a black jacket and sweats.

"Oh so you're not mugging me?" I asked the hooded figure. Oh shit he's gonna mug me now. I should be running right now. I should be half a mile to my left right now.

"No im not but that's a really good idea." The man said

He looked familiar but I couldn't land on who the man was.

"You're definitely from out of town." He said with his deep voice.

"You guessed it." I chuckled

"Marshall" he said holding out his hand to me I had to admit he was pretty... sexy. Okay okay I'm not gonna sugarcoat it because man was hotter than Satans nut sack

"Adalyn. Adalyn Parker." I said making an attempt to try to shake his hand but I failed miserably.

His eyes looked into mine his blue eyes look hypnotizing. I don't believe at love in first site but holy shit. This man was beautiful.

"Well Adalyn Parker, it looks like you have your hands full. Do you need any help carry your stuff up?"

"Oh no. I'll manage you probably have plans anyways." I say almost stuttering

"I actually don't have any plans." He said taking my suitcase from me. "And I insist." He then took my suitcase and walked to the door of the building.

"Asshole I don't need any help. Shoo I'm independent woman" I said in my head.

He opened the door for me and we both walked in together. I stopped at the front desk picking up the keys from the lobby for my room. I signaled Marshall over to the elevator. The doors to the elevator closed and an awkward silence came over the room.

After an elevator ride that felt like forever me and Marshall walked off it.  We walked down the hall to my room.

"Oh 76 this is me." I said with a grin plastered on my face. I unlocked the door with my key and we walked in. The walls were a ivory color with dark hardwood floors. It wasn't a big apartment but it's going to work for me and Marco when ever he comes to visit.

"I'll just leave your stuff right here." Marshall's voice spoke filling the silence.

"Okay thanks Marshall." I said grinning ear to ear.

"You're welcome Adalyn."

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