Chapter One - Third year

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As I step onto the platform, I wait impatiently for my parents to say goodbye to my sister Daphne. They tell her how much they love her, and how they'll miss her while she's gone. Don't get me wrong, y parents love me, but they do tend to say it to Daphne more. I hug my parents one last time, before walking onto the large, magical train.

I walk through the corridors until I find Tracy and Millicent. I step into their compartment, and they immediately hug me. 

"Y/N! How was your summer?!" Tracy asks, as she smothers me in a tight bear hug.

"It was good. What about you two?" Tracy talks about the dates she went on, and Millie talks about the parties her parents threw for her.

We sit and chat for a little while until Ginny finds us. I give her a large hug, and we begin a heated discussion about quidditch. Tracy and I felt very strongly that Victor Krum was the best quidditch player ever, and Ginny completely disagrees.

 I was the one who saw Ginny open the chamber of secrets the second time, and I told Dumbledore; who then told Harry; who then rescued Ginny from the chamber of secrets. Her and I became fast friends as she was recuperating in the hospital wing. 

We joke for a couple of minutes before I suddenly felt chills creep up my arm. I shivered, and I could see my breath.

"What the..." Millicent says, 

"What is that?" Ginny asks, pointing outside of the compartment. 

"I'll go look." I say, standing up. I draw my wand, and open the compartment door. The girls try to stop me, but I shush them. I walk into the hall, and begin walking toward the end of the train. The cold creeps up my neck, and I gasp. I whip my head around, and see a dementor. 

I try to scream, but I couldn't. It was like in a bad dream how when you are completely terrified, but you can't call for help. Luckily, I didn't have to. I felt a hand grasp my wrist, and pull me into an empty compartment. Well, it wasn't completely empty...

"Malfoy?!" I whisper-shout at him. 

"Hi, Greengrass." He says. Although I couldn't see his face because of the lack of light, I still knew that he had his infamous smirk plastered on his face. I scowl at the face that I cannot see.

"What are you doing?" I ask curtly.

"Saving you from kissing that awful thing." he says, referring to the Azkaban guard. I smirk,

"Why? Jealous?" I ask sarcastically. He scoffs,

"Of what? Why on earth would I want to kiss you?" He asks. I clench my jaw, and glare at him even though he can't see.

"Well, you are the one who pulled me into a dark, empty room." I cock my head to the side, waiting to hear his next snide remark.

"Fine. Next time, I won't save you from getting your soul sucked out."

"Fine. Then I will stop letting you cheat off of my homework."

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, I saw you looking my way in classes all of first and last year. What else could you be looking at?" He went silent for a moment. He sighs, and I feel his breath tickle my face. I didn't realize we were so close. I instinctively take a step back. "Umm, I think it's gone. I should go." I say, flustered. "Bye, Malfoy."

I walk quickly out of the compartment, and back to the girls.

"Where's Gin?" I ask, immediately noticing the lack of red hair.

"Ronald took her. He said that she should stop hanging out with us Slytherins." I scowl. As much as I love Gin, I hate her brother with a passion. He has the worst attitude toward Slytherins, and he's just downright mean. He bullies me and the girls constantly. Of course, Ginny's oblivious to it, but we care about Ginny. Not her brother or his stupid opinions.

"Whatever. We'll see her tonight at dinner." Hopefully...

When the train stops again, we're at Hogsmeade station. I get off of the train, and walk toward the carriages. I climb in one, and Tracy follows. Millie went to sit with her brother. Me and Tracy wait patiently for the carriage to move, but four third years enter the carriage, and with us. Blaise Zabini was seated next to me. Vincent Crabbe was across from him. Tracy sat across from Gregory Goyle. And I was seated across from none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Hi, Greengrass." Malfoy says smirking at me. I glare at him, and don't respond. 

"Hello, Vince." I say to Crabbe. "Greg. Blaise." I return my gaze to Draco, "Malfoy."

"Last name basis? Seriously? You're that petty?"

"Petty?" I ask condescendingly. "If you wanted me to leave the carriage, you coulda just said so." I stand, and step out. Blaise and Vince give me pleading looks.

"Please don't go!" Tracy shouts so I can hear. I sigh.

"Fine." I step back up, and get seated in the seat I was in previously. as the carriage starts moving, I stare at everything BUT Draco. I can see him smirking at me out of the corner of my eye.

When we get to the castle, we enter the great hall. Daphne is a first year this year, because her birthday is in December, so she started a little later. She get's sorted--no surprise-- 

"Slytherin!" The sorting hat shouts. Daphne smiles, and goes to one of her friends from the train. 

Dumbledore get's up, and introduces the new DADA teacher. Remus Lupin.

"Greengrass?" Malfoy asks from right next to me. I almost forgot he was there. Almost. 

"What, Malfoy?" I ask grumpily.

"You look really pretty." I snort at that. My hair is still bed head from this morning, and I'm wearing my school robes.

"Don't call me pretty." I say, I don't want to look pretty. I want to look other-worldly and slightly intimidating.I try to pay attention to the headmaster, but the blonde Slytherin boy was making that extremely difficult. 

After the feast, Tracy, Millie, and I walk down to the dungeons, along with the other Slytherins. When we reach the common room, I crash on the firm, leather couch. I'm half tempted to just sleep here if it means I don't have to sleep in the freezing dorm.

"We're going to bed. Come on up whenever." Millicent says as she walks to the dorms, holding her cat in her arms snugly. I hate that stupid cat. It's the evilest thing I'm ever come across.

I get out of the couch, and sit in front of the large fireplace. I stare into the burning embers, and smile. Isn't fire beautiful? The way it dances. The way it can be used for good, or evil. The way the reds and oranges blend together perfectly to create a perfect hue of fire. 

I hear the shuffles of students walking to their dorms, probably desperate to get to their beds.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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