Chapter 1

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It was the year of 2010, Nicolas Springfield a mysterious yet handsome cowboy was on his ranch working. Cleaning out the stalls, replacing the haybales, feeding the chickens, goats, cows and horses. He has red auburn hair, beautiful emerald eyes that glow at night like stars in the sky, big muscles like he had been working out 24/7, six packs, and a beard which made him 3x hotter. The old man was an immortal dragon who has lived for centuries but don't let that fool ya, his age in mortal form is 36. Nicolas was working on a broken fence sweat dripping over his tan skin and sliding over his abs he took off his shirt earlier you can see the V lines on his hips that go down. When suddenly his phone went off he pulled it out his pocket and clicked the answer button "Howdy, Nicolas Springfield what can I do for ya mate?" His voice was deep yet so sweet and gentle it almost made any woman get shivers down her spine which is exactly what happened when the woman on the phone answered "H-Hi i mean Hi Mr Springfield, my names Claire Dearing I have a quick question I'd like to ask you if thats alright with you?" He chuckled and shook his head "Oh yeah sure sure, ask away little lady"

Claire flushed a bit but was able to quickly pull herself together and toughened up she didnt want to mess this up "Great, my boss Simon Masrani would like to hire you to work at Jurassic World I'm sure you've heard of it. Anyways we had a few employees "quit" in the middle of the job and now we don't have anyone to help with the boating or the Tyrannosaurus and since we found out your history with the previous park he would like for yoh to come here and work for us, would you be interested?" Nicolas froze for a minute and stared at the phone then answered calmly "Well now this is the fourth call I've gotten about the previous parks incident but I didnt expect to be hired again and let me guess those employees got killed correct?"

Claire sighed and nodded "Unfortunately yes, Roberta or Rexy has been quite hard to get in the paddock, she's extremely aggressive despite being the oldest dinosaur in the Park, Simon knows you're the only man capable of going head to head with a dinosaur so will you accept the job?" Nicolas sighed for a few moments and finally he spoke "Alright, I'll do it but let me finish up here on this broken fence I can't let my farm animals escape" Claire sighed in relief and smiled "Of course take your time will send you the ticket and you have a VIP Pass so you can get in easily they've already been sent, I'll see you when you get here"

"Alright then you have a good day Miss Dearing, bye" He hung up the phone and chuckled then continued working on the fence

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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