by the black lake

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a/n: these chs are small imagines with fred weasley

You looked up at the sky from your dorm window. It was a bit overcast, and the trees swayed gently in the wind. You had just woken up, and you decided to go take a morning walk by the Black Lake. You quickly got out of bed and changed into your Gryffindor robes. You pulled the long black robe over your back and slipped your arms into its equally long sleeves. You straightened the collar of the robe and smoothed your hands down the front.

"There" you sighed contently, and began to head towards the common room.

As the Fat Lady's portrait swung open, many students were heading towards the Great Hall since it was time for breakfast. You decided to skip out on breakfast today, only because if you did eat, the lake would be crowded with students chatting and hanging around. You wanted to start your morning with something more on the quiet side.

You swiftly made your way through the crowd, slipping past teachers, ghosts, and students as you turned several corners and descended flights of moving staircases. You waved to a few friends of yours on the way, flashing smiles and several quick "good morning" 's. 

Finally you reached the outside of the castle, and began to make your way towards the Black Lake. When you arrived on the lake's shore, you stopped to sit on a large rock near the water. The castle was a bit farther away, and you admired how beautiful it looked from down on the shore. You sat on the rock and tucked your knees into your chest, enjoying the breeze and the peaceful lake. Even though several dangerous creatures lay below the unbroken surface, it was still such a calming sight to you.

You closed your eyes and breathed in the scent of the water in the air, relaxing your mind, as the wind blew through your hair. 

Suddenly, there was a slight rustle in the brush behind you. Your hands automatically went for your wand tucked into your robe, while you quickly turned around to see what caused the rustling. 

Fred Weasley.

He stood against a nearby tree, his back leaning against it, with his arms folded in front, a slight smirk on his face. His ginger hair moved slightly against the wind, and his robes swayed gently at his feet.

"ugh you scared me" you sighed out, shaking your head with a small smile. 

Fred stopped leaning against the tree and walked towards you slowly. "Now why would you be afraid of me, love?" he said, now standing in front of you. His body standing over your seated figure on the rock.

"Well..." you said slowly, trying to think of some sort of retort to shoot back, "well because...ah i give up" you laughed. You quickly stood up on the rock, making him look up at you. You shot him a dirty glare and pulled your wand out, pretending to prepare to hex him.

"Are you afraid of me now?" you said, trying to stifle your giggles behind a nasty glare.

"Fat chance" Fred chuckled. He then quickly placed one hand under your thighs, with the other hooking around your shoulders, as he carried you down from the rock bridal style.

"Fred!" you yelped out, surprised from his actions, as your hands immediately wrapped around his neck. He simply laughed out loud and set you down by the shore a few yards away from the rock.

"Here" he said, pulling something out from his robes. "I didn't see you at breakfast today, but I saved you something" he said with a wink, as he tossed a large blueberry muffin you way--your favorite. You two began to slowly walk against the shoreline, enjoying each other's presence and the nature around you.

"I waited for you for so long, and even guarded your spot next to me" he pouted.

"I'm sorry" you said, putting your head on his shoulder, and one arm around his back. "What can I do to make up for it?" you said half-joking.

"Well..." Fred thought out-loud in an over-exaggerated manner, making you laugh softly. "Here" he said pointing to his cheek.

"What?" you said, as you both stopped walking.

"I want you to kiss me. Right here." he said tapping his cheek.

"nice try weasley" you smiled.

"oh come here, y/n!" fred said, throwing his arm around your shoulder, and pulling you in close to him, his hands squeezing your shoulder. He then turned you around to face him, and both of his hands moved to rest on your hips holding you in place.

"Fred " you said, dragging his name out.


You then quickly gave him a small kiss on his lips, standing on your toes before quickly wiggling out of his grasp to run away. 

"Hey!" he said running after you trying to catch up. You turned your head around and winked, before continuing to run hoping he wouldn't catch up.

Suddenly you hear him shout a spell behind you, "Accio broomstick!"

"Cheater!!" you yelled at him only looking forward, letting the wind blow at your face and hair.

Before you knew it, he scooped you up by the waist, and onto the broomstick.

"Fred!!" you screamed with laughter as you held onto him for life.

He was gliding the broom across the lake as he let his fingers skim the water, before pulling up and into the open air above the lake.

"Wow" you breathed out. Even though you played quidditch, the view from up top never ceased to amaze you.

"Enjoying the view, love?" Fred said. 

"It's amazing"

"Now which view are you talking about, me or the lake?" he said with a smirk as began to pull even higher into the sky.

yule ball imagine fred weasley x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now