Chapter 01- The revel of the secret

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In the ancient world.

In a kingdom, Isingmong, the state of the tree, where all the cities and town was full of greenery, in that kingdom there was an old man and his grandson who was named Polo and he was 16, he had a great aim for becoming the royal detective, Yoksa, the old man, whom people think that he loved nature very much, he use to spend for long hours in the forest, but he was considered as a strange old man as he doesn't allow anyone to come with him to the forest, even to his grandson, he use to say to Polo that he should need to go to school and to concentrate on his studies, Both the old man and Polo were one of the famous people of that place, Yoksa for his kind mind and Polo for his amazing writing skill.

Both of them had a secret. Polo use to find out the secret of others almost every day, without being caught by anyone and Yoksa had a supernatural power but no one know even both doesn't know the secret of others.

But this secret was gonna be revel on that day.

Polo was beating lightly at the desk with a stick and looking at the morning sky, he was bored of sitting in his home, there was not even school for weeks due to spring holidays, " Ooh when will these disgust holidays end, what a terribly boring day, Huuuh... let sing a song to chase it... Oh babe... huh, who is that ?", asked Polo and look out the window, it was his grandfather who was taking his muffler on his neck, " Oh dear grandpa, please wait a minute, " said Polo and ran out of the home and said, " Oh my sweet grandpa, world best grandpa..." " Get into the point ", said Yoksa," Ok, I'm bored of sitting on the chair, there is not even works to work, can I go with you to...", before Polo could finish his words, Yoksa said, " No no no, a big no! I had already denied you many times, and I told you that I'll go only alone to the forest " " But why you...", again before Polo could finish his words, Yoksa said," Oh boy don't ask questions, I'm getting late, spend time with your girlfriend, it's the best time for a couple like you to spend time ", " Oh grandpa I had... ", again in between Yoksa said, " I know, I know, you hadn't proposed her but I know she loves you, bye, have a romantic day", said Yoksa and went to the forest.

Polo laugh happily and lightly and said, " Yasieng loves me...hmm" " Hello! Polo ", said someone from the backside, Polo turned back and yelled, " Ahhhhh..." it was Yasieng, " Get shocked huh! hmmm...," said Yasieng," It was just grandpa's words, not mine believe me ", said Polo " Are you OK! what the hell are you talking about ?", asked Yasieng, Polo realized that she didn't hear about what he was speaking, " nothing special, well I was saying that my grandpa went to the forest ", said Polo, " So, what's special? Your grandpa goes to the forest every single day, but it's not good for an old man to go to the forest alone, why don't you go with him?," asked Yasieng. " I want but he didn't allow me, better to say no-one ", said Polo, " But why?", asked Yasieng. " No idea, what the hell he does in the forest, business deals, no no we are not rich for a business deal, and I earn money to run the house, or is it romance...", " Romance with tree hahaha ", Yasieng laugh in-between " Then what can be the reason than ", said Polo " Oh yes, it can be my daily mission of today ", said Polo, " Do you do mission every day? What kind of mission do you do every day", asked Yasieng." Ohh, Please leave that, let's find out the secret of my grandpa ", said Polo, " It's cool I'm with you, but how can we find where your grandpa had gone ", " We'll follow the footprints as footprints will be there due to the heavy rainfall occurred last night ", said Polo. " Hmm... Good! Let's go ", said Yasieng, " Let's go ", said Polo.

They follow the footprints on the forest path, and after few steps, the road gets split, one man-made and the other one is natural and even the footprints split, " Ok now what we are gonna do? ", asked Yasieng. " It's sure grandpa has done this to confuse us, ok, I can consider that he has by mistake choose one of the paths but how can he go to other paths without any footprints of coming back ", said Polo and look around with full concentration, and then he noticed that the grass growing at natural path was clean and green whereas grass growing on the side of the man-made path has mud on their leaves, it was like footprints, " The right is right ", said Polo and showed the footprints on the grass ", " Oh, I got it, your grandpa is really clever, but couldn't make us fool ", said Yasieng. " Yea!", said Polo and chose the right path.

After few steps, " Did you ever been to this forest path? ", asked Yasieng, " No, did you? ", asked Polo, " What if we get lost in the forest with zigzag path ", asked Yasieng worriedly, " Hahaha ", Polo laughed and said, " Why are you speaking like kids, we are grown up we'll not be lost just keep marks in between the ways ", " Do you believe me? ", asked Yasieng, " Yess...", said Yasieng. " Then believe me we'll not get lost! ", said Polo, " Ok ", said Yasieng, " Then let's go ", said Polo with full of pep, " Yeah!", said Yasieng.

" Wait a minute ", said Polo and pick up two sharp stones, " What happened? ", asked Yasieng, " Take it ", said Polo by giving her, she took and asked, " What are we gonna do with these stones ", " Oh Yasieng, we're gonna draw arrow mark in between the way, on the bark of the tree ", said Polo, " Ooh, good idea! ", said Yasieng happily. " I know," said Polo, " Through this method, we will not get lost even in the world's dentist and largest forest", said Yasieng. "Now let's move, but keep in mind to put ascending number along with letter, ' Y ', ok ", said Polo and continued," I will write numbers along with letter, ' P ', ok " " Ok," said Yasieng and they started to walk and follow footprints, " Mark it ", said Polo, " Ok, sir ", said Yasieng and they noth marked, Polo said, " Spring festival is comming soon, you know...", " I know ", said Yasieng, " Hahaha ", Polo laughed lightly, " Let me speak, mark it ", said Polo, " That's what you was gonna speak " said Yasieng and they noth marked, " Oh no, I was gonna say that, what are you gonna do in these holidayas or how you are spending these holidays ", said Polo, " Nothing, just helping my mom and resading the book given by you and the rest, wasting time ", said Yasieng by smiling, " Glad to hear, you're reading my book ", said Polo, " And what's about you?, " asked Yasieng, " Well...", said Polo " Mark it " said Yasieng, " Oh sorry, I just get lost in your words ", said Polo and they both marked and then Polo said, " Just writting one new novel and ( Polo atarted walking by turning back ) earning some extra money rather then today and... " in between Yasieng yealled, " What happen, why are shouting ? ", asked Polo " Grandpa's shoe ", said Yasieng and they both stoped, Polo turned front, he saw his grandpa's shoe on the ground near to a tree, " It's sure some wild animals had eaten them, oh grandpa ", Yasieng cried, " Hahaha... No dear, utilise your main parts... ", before Polo could finish his words, Yasieng slap him, " Shameless fellow! " " I'm sorry for making you misunderstand but I didn't mean it I was talking about the brain ", said Polo by rubbing his red jaw, " Oops sorry, extremely sorry, " Yasieng apologized for her actions, Polo said, " It's ok, there was also mistake from me, anyway coming back to the point, look at the shoe, it is kept so discipline, it's sure there is a secret, he doesn't come to the forest to spend time with nature ", said Polo " Oh really, I thought he had gone ", said Yasieng by rubbing her tears happily, " Grandpa your secret is gonna be naked ", said Polo " It will be fun ", said Yasieng. " I think the secret is in front of us ", said Polo. " What do you mean? ", asked Yasieng, " Oh don't afraid, I'm not talking about you,( Yasieng get relief ) look at other trees there is beautiful red silk cotton flower but this one is full of dark green leaves, it's impossible for a RSC tree to have full of dark green leaves, " What do you mean by rec? " asked Yasieng. " It's a short form to say red silk cotton tree", said Polo, " Oh, I got it and yes you're right I even didn't notice it ", said Yasieng. Polo look around the tree and then he saw a red spot, " What's it? ", asked Polo. " I don't know", said Yasieng confidently, " Yea, I know ", said Polo, " What's it? ", asked Yasieng. " No idea! ", said Polo. " Then why did you told ' yea, I know ' ", said Yasieng, " Oh man", said Polo by laughing, " Are you blind I'm a girl, a teen girl", said Yasieng, " Oh my dear please react quickly, react after you understand 100 percent, I was saying that I know, you have no idea about that red, anyway let get back to the point ", said Polo and started looking at the red spot with full concentration, " Is it a button? Shall I touch it? ", asked Polo, " It's risky, wait a moment, please move out from there Polo ", said Yasieng, Polo move out and asked, " But why? ", Polo saw Yasieng was gonna throw the stone which he gave to her, " Hey what are you gonna do?", asked Polo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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