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Meanwhile, Alex, Yoko and David were continued to strike down several Chronites. Then, Raidoomer showed up.

" What we have here? It's the Power Rangers. You don't look on T. V. " Raidoomer said.

" Who are you creep?" Prism Knight Green asked.

" I'm Raidoomer." Raidoomer said. " You three fell for my trap."

Suddenly Alex, Yoko and Sheila were handcuffed.

" What is this?!" Prism Knight Blue said.

" You three are coming with me." Raidoomer said as he teleported along with his captured rangers.

Meanwhile, Arthur and David were tried to contact Yoko and the others but no response.

" No response." David said.

" We better find them in the woods." Arthur said.

Later, Arthur and David were arrived in the woods.

" Yoko! Alex! Sheila!" Arthur said.

" Where are those three?" David asked.

Suddenly, the group of Chronites surrounded the two.

" Looks like we have our own battle." David said.

" We better morphed." Arthur said.

Arthur and David were about to morphed.

' It's Ranger Time: Prism Power Unleashed!' Arthur and David were both said.

Arthur morphed into Prism Knight Red Ranger.

David morphed into Prism Knight Black Ranger.

" Are you ready?" Prism Knight Black said.

" You watched my backs." Prism Knight Red said.

" Right." Prism Knight Black said.

The two rangers continued fighting the group of Chronites. Later, Alex showed up
" Guys, sorry to interrupted. I escaped from the monster earlier but Yoko and Sheila were not so lucky." Prism Knight Green said.

" That means something's happened to them." Prism Knight Black said.

" We need to find that alien before they could do something on both Yoko ans Sheila." Prism Knight Red said.

Later, Raidoomer showed up.

" You are lucky this time green ranger but your pretty blue and yellow are not so lucky." Raidoomer said as he summoned Yoko the Prism Knight Yellow and Sheila the Prism Knight Blue, who have mind controlling device attached to their necks.

" What have you done to them?!" Prism Knight Red said.

" I tweaked them into my liking." Raidoomer said. " I wanted to see how are you gonna battling against your own teammates."

Yoko and Sheila were started fighting Alex, David and Arthur.

" Yoko!" Prism Knight Red said.

" Sheilla!" Prism Knight Green said.

" It's us!" Prism Knight Black said.

" Shut up and fight!" Prism Knight Blue said.

" If you don't fight us, we will destroy you!" Prism Knight Yellow said.

Meanwhile, Havorian and the female Crimson Prism Knight Ranger were watching the battle between rangers.

" Your monster has done very well using mind controlling device of the blue ranger and the yellow ranger." Prism Knight Crimson said.

" Raidoomer has done very well." Havorian said. " I can make you my general while Raidoomer will be our personal servant."

" It doesn't matter." Prism Knight Crimson said. " The only matter d that someday I will fight these rangers and prove myself that I will be the most powerful ranger of them all."

" In the right time and place." Havorian said.

Meanwhile, Arthur is fighting Yoko then Yoko pinned Arthur down on the wall.

" Are you giving up?" Prism Knight Yellow said. " Might controls everything for me."

" That might be true but you didn't used your brain power."  Prism Knight Red said as she kicked down Yoko the ground. Arthur draw his Prism Saber as Yoko also draw her Prism Saber as they clashed each other.

Meanwhile, David and Alex were continuing to hold off Sheila.

" Alex. We can't hurt her. She is our teammate." Prism Knight Black said.

" I know." Prism Knight Green said. " But our focus is to destroyed that mind-controlling device that attached to her neck."

" Well then, we must hit that mind controlling device." Prism Knight Black said. " I'll do the holding, you'll do the classic attack and destroyed that mind controling device."

" Right." Prism Knight Green said as David decides to fight off Sheila in one-on-one. " Now!"

Alex draw his Prism Saber and strucked down the mind controling device and destroyed in which Sheila fell to the ground.

" Huh? What was just happened?" Prism Knight Blue said. " Did that creepy alien controlling me and Yoko and forced to fight each other?"

" Yes it did. But Arthur is very busy dealing with Yoko." Prism Knight Black said.

" I'll handle Yoko." Prism Knight Blue said.

Power Rangers Prism Knights (2021) 2: Lurking Behind the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now