Chapter 1

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"Hey Riley, I'm home!" I announced  enthusiastically.

"Welcome home sweetie, how was your day?" She shouted from kitchen.

"80% was good. Rest was destroyed by 'the great Mr. James'. God knows what does he think of himself?"

"Chill Ivy, I'll get you something to eat?"

She appeared in the hallway with a tray, having a glass of water, and a bowl of salad.

"You know you should not take him seriously. His age makes him short tempered," she said keeping the tray on the table and making herself comfortable beside me. "And well, you also don't leave any chance to irritate him." 

"Oh, come on. Someone has to do that. Because the only alternative of it is listening to his monotonous lecture. But I was at my best behavior today", I argued.

Riley just shook her head and flashed that affectionate smile of her at me .And just like that,  all my anger and worries were out of the window in an instant.

Riley, my best friend, had always been there for me. Though we met just two years ago,  it was as if we knew each other from a lifetime.

I was never the one to make friends so easily. Back home, people called me trouble maker. And why not!
I had a reputation of  causing trouble for myself, and for those around me.

After I lost my parents when I was 12, I was left with uncle Mason, my  only family. When I came to Denver to complete my graduation, I was downhearted. Uncle Mason was my safe haven, who  understood me like no one. I was almost certain that I would run back home to him, but then I met Riley. And everything changed.

I still remember that day very vividly. When I arrived here two years ago, I was told that I'd have to share a room with Riley Walker.

When I entered the room, I saw her sitting on the couch, doing something on her phone.

At first when she saw me, she scowled. It was understandable because I practically barged into the room without knocking . When she was finally convinced I was no threat, her features switched into polite ones. She offered me a big grin, which  I returned with my classic ugly toothed smile.

"Hey! I'm Riley, Riley Walker." She introduced herself ,coming to me.

"Hi. I'm Ivy Kingsley. We're going to share this room, right?"

"Yeah yeah, I was informed about it. The bedroom is there. Go make yourself comfortable, and if you need any kind of help, please don't hesitate."

I muttered a thanks and saw her giving me a calculating look. As I raised an eye brow at her, she shook her head and asked me,  "I'm going to make coffee for myself, would you want a cup too?"

 "Yeah sure. I'll just freshen up and come."

"Sure thing."

This was our very first meeting, and the beginning of our story.

Everyday, we grew closer bit by bit. She broke all the walls that I had build around myself with her warmth, and I happily let her in.

We were inseparable . We had unfathomable understanding of each other , it was almost like  we could read each other's minds. I never  really understood the concept of  best friends, but she made me believe her.  She became the person I could blindly trust, and in whom I can confide all my secrets. Though we were exact opposites of each other, it never made any difference. If I'm raging fire, she cools me down with her ice-like cool nature.

Whenever I'm about to create some trouble, her presence simmers me down, and prevents me from doing anything stupid. There were many instances where she had become my knight in shining armor.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when she waved her hand in front of my face.

"To earth, Ms. Kingsley. What were you thinking?" She asked me, smiling.

I shook my head, and said, "Nothing."

"Have some salad then. I made it especially for you. Try it and tell me how's it."

And here we go again. I had once again become the rat of her experiment.

One more thing that you should know about Riley Walker is that she is THE WORST COOK.
But this girl never loses hope, and always tries to improve her cooking, but, unfortunately, she always fails.

And today, she  once again tried making something. God help me!!

I put my fork in the bowl,  reluctantly took some cabbage in it, and ate it.

If it was for someone else, I would've thrown up then and there. It was so bad!

Like really bad!!!!

She noticed my disoriented face, and asked me, "It isn't good, right?"

"Riley, don't you ever think of quitting cooking? If you don't love yourself, think about me at least."

Both of us looked at each other with immense seriousness, and then, burst out with laughter.

"You could have said it in a little more polite way you know."

"You know I can't be polite, right?"

"Yeah yeah, of course. How can I expect 'Ivy- the great' to be polite, even for once?!"

We again got engaged in our talks, forgetting about all the worldly problems.

We again got engaged in our talks, forgetting about all the worldly problems

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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