Chapter 1

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Danny dropped his black duffle bag, down below onto the dry river bed and jumped down along side it, jarring his ankle.

Cool air whipped through his black army jacket as he limped under the bridge.

With bag in hand he stared at the cement wall, it was newly whitewashed, probably from old graffiti being removed.

He sighed as he kneeled and opened his bag. Four spray paint cans were resting on top of a bunch of old black clothes and two porno magazines.

He grabbed a blue can and a green can. Ten minutes passed as he created one of his best pieces yet.

The air seemed to grow colder every second, Danny eventually took notice and grabbed some gloves from his bag.

After putting them on he continued and once another ten minutes had passed he was done.

His ultimate piece, excited he put his signature on his piece and pulled out his phone.

Picture taken, he stood back and grinned maniacally at the ten foot by ten foot piece of art, blue and green it was a red eyed dragon with a grin similar to Danny's.

"Hell yeah!" Danny roared.

"I name thee kyle and you shall rule over all peasants!" Danny continued.

"No wait that's lame" Danny hesitated, then shrugged.

"Well I guess it's too late, welcome to the world and I have to go, so stay safe kyle!" that's when he heard the dogs.

Since it was near midnight and the park was closed, those were the sheriff's dog and he was screwed.

He dropped everything into his duffle bag, zipped it up and ran out of the tunnel.

His ankle throbbed with pain and after ten seconds of running along the river bed, with paint cans rattling crazily, Danny limped up the bank.

Looking behind himself, towards the bridge, three men with dogs and flashlights spotted him.

Under his breath Danny muttered F bombs to the Star Wars theme as he ran into the forest.

Trees disappeared behind him as he ran, just like the trees, two minutes passed quickly and he could still hear the dogs vaguely.

Coming to a fence he leaped over it with ease, realizing too late that the fence was on top of a hill, Danny tumbled downwards.

The blurry trees were replaced with cold black wet leaves as he hit the bottom.

He pulled himself together and took in the damage.

His favorite jacket now muddied was torn to shreds, his leg in similar state, protruded from his body awkwardly and even though Danny's leg was in shock, he was crying.

Looking around he couldn't see anything of interest but the good news was that he also couldn't hear the dogs any more.

The sound of running water echoed through the small clearing and Danny realized that he was thirsty, so once situated correctly, he crawled away from the hill and towards the sound.

Near the end of the clearing he found a small stream and ignoring all sense he took his dirty hands and scooped water into his mouth. Instantly, pain coursed through his body and he only wanted to scream but his body wasn't responsive.




Xander, tall, blue eyed and gangly with perfect combed blond hair was walking along side his best friend Kyle, on a beach, in the afternoon sun.

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