Chapter two if you want love

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Song: If you want love by NF



"Morning dad " I yell, running down the stairs. " I'm off to school"
" Wait, don't you want me to drop you off" my dad says
" Come on pops, it's just 25 minutes away from here" I say but he just stares at me " ok fine, I don't want to walk on my first day either, or take the bus, and it's a new resumption, I'm a senior now" I added goofily
"Good, now get in the car" he said smiling.
"Yes sir" I replied smiling.
It's been 2 years since the incident, my mom left and I've been living with my dad. At least he wanted me even though I wasn't his own, and i will forever be grateful. It's really amazing how even after figuring out something isn't truly yours, you still want to accept it. It's been so long and I've been waiting for my mom to come back, it's getting really tiring. I just wish she would come back and at least explain things to me, I don't really know what I want to hear from her, I just....... Why won't she freaking accept me, i want her back. Sighing, I look at my dad driving and he turns to look at me a genuine smile spreading across his face, I return it before turning back to look out the window.

   My dad may seem happy, but i know deep down he's broken, even more than me. I love my dad, very much. He's the best person world. After my mom left,my dad was shattered. We moved after a few months, to you know, start over again. I just wish my dad would find someone who would make him happy again. He deserves all the happiness in the world. I didn't even realize I had been crying, until I felt a hand on my shoulder

" Hey, darling?" my dad whispered placing a hand on my shoulders.
"Yeah?" I answered, turning around to face him.
"Shuu..." My dad said cleaning my tears. " It's okay baby"
" Are you sure?" I asked
"Yeah, everything's alright" he assured me
"You're not gonna leave me?" I asked again
"Of course not, I will never leave you" he said smiling sadly at me
"I know" I told him " I kinda need a hug now" I added wiping my tears
"Of course you do" he said enveloping me in a warm hug.
"Thanks dad, I love you" I said pulling out from his embrace
"Of course you do" my dad said smiling at me
"Dad" i said crossing my hands and pouting
" Now get your things and your self out of my car"
"Oh, how nice of you dad" I said, wait.. we're at school!!! Oh my God
"Yes we are, now get out" my dad told me
"Woah, bye dad "
" Bye honey, love you" he said before driving off
" Thanks, uh... Miss bailey" I said to the receptionist who handed me my schedule.
" You're welcome darling" she said smiling at me.
"Yeah" not knowing what else to say to, I look at my schedule and see that I'm having literature first. How lovely.

I walk towards a class door that says literature, so I suppose this is the class. But they're already seated, I look at the other end of the class and see there's a back door, but there are Windows, they are still going to see me. Mustering all the courage I could, I decided open the front door, but the teacher already beat me to it, again...I am just off
" Ahh , hello there, you must be Danielle Grayson, how are you doing?" the teacher said looking up from the paper in his hand
"Yes sir, I'm okay" I said clearing my throat and then smiling at him
"Well, come on in, we've been waiting for you" he said
You have, I thought, confused
"Yes, we have" he said
"Oh I thought out loud" I said quietly
"Well, miss Grayson, why not introduce yourself" he said "I'll go first, I'm Mr Davenport and I'm your advanced literature professor" he added, gesturing at me with his hands to go on
" Umm, hello everyone, my name is Danielle Grayson and I will be joining you in this class, thank you" I said, can we get this over with.
"Well, that's good, the class president Jonathan Perkins, if you need more information" he said gesturing to a male with his hands
" You mean ex class president" a blonde girl chirped
" Oh, I still can't get used to that fact, And oh , there's an empty seat beside him you can go seat there" he said, the boy I presume is Jonathan didn't even bother,he was oblivious to all that was happening
" Thank you sir" I say and head towards my seat, sitting down I said hi to Jonathan and he ignored me, and truthfully I don't really care. Turning back to my table I bring my books out and the class continued.

This is quite... nice, I thought to myself sitting alone at the cafeteria, no it's not. I didn't bother trying to socialize and my seat mates didn't help at all. I was all hi and they were hey except the one who ignored me..... that was it.

Looking down at my food, I couldn't help but sigh, I didn't expect my first day to be all bubbly but i also didn't expect it to be this depressing. Sighing.. again, I feel like that's all I've been doing for the past few years. Not wanting to go into my pitiful state,I start packing my things, deciding I was going to checkout the library.
Heading inside the library, it's pretty huge I mean I can't even compare this to the library in my former school. Taking my card from the librarian, I go further into the library looking for a quiet spot. Then I find a spot in a far corner, with shelves all around it and a window, you can see the entire back of the school from here, it has a garden, it's beautiful, settling down I find a book to read. It's really peaceful here, I doubt anyone can find you here if you stay. After a while the bell goes signalling the end of our break, I pack my things and head for my next class. The rest of my day went by pretty fast, finally I get to go home since school's already over.
Going into the house, I realize my dad isn't back yet, I head into my room and fall asleep.


That's the end of this chapter, I'm a really big fan of NF that's why I'm using the name's of his songs as the title of each chapter, his songs are really deep and calming.
*I just need a moment in my own space* the place she found in the library is like some place where she can go to be by herself and enjoy her own company. Sometimes it's really peaceful when you're by yourself, at least you get to think, regroup yourself and that doesn't mean you're a loner, it means you sometimes find it safer to be by yourself, you can socialize if you want to, it's your choice. I really enjoy my own company a lot, sometimes my friends say I like being lonely or I might end up being alone :D, I don't really know. I hope you like this chapter. 
  I really don't know if this makes sense.......

Thank youuuuu. 💚

:-) Starr ✨

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