Man Period

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Zac is acting like a prick since the two of you found out you were preggerz and he's been excited about the baby yet he's been dickish to you for nothing...

Zac: Hey bae

You: Yea?

You: Baby please not today... WHY do YOU always pick a fight?

Zac: Fuck off!

You: are you having a man period because you're pretty bitchy right now!

Zac: Im going to Dave's house to clear my mind!

You: by clear your mind you mean get someone else pregnant? Or smoke WEED? Zac... baby why are you bitching lately?

Zac: *slams bedroom door behind him in your face* I don't want to talk to you!

You: baby please i love you!

Zac: *camls down and starts tearing up* (scratchy voice) baby i love you too.

You: *calm scratchy voice with teary eyes* can you let me in... please?

Zac: * opens door with red eyes and tears rolling down* baby im sorry im an asshole i just... I thought I.... *sighs* i thought i could handle a child but im just a failure

You: * hugs him* baby everybody thinks they're ready. Its okay if you're not... i wasn't either but when i found out i was happy when i didn't know it. Baby everything will work out even if there are a few fights here and there but baby i will love you no matter what and you know that. Even if we are the worst parents in history i will still love you...

Zac: Baby i hate myself for being a dick to you i love you soo much. Baby what if its a miscarriage or or or- if you die from having it

You: baby thats for the future to take care of... right now we can make the best of the present... lets go see a movie ok?

Zac: ok.

Zac's pov
I can't believe i acted like a dick to y/n i am going to fucking kill myself i am an asshole... i hate the person i am and i just feel like a dick... but she doesnt know i cheated on her when i said i went to "Dave's" house

You: Zac? Whats wrong?

Zac: I think we should go.

You: but its almost over.

Zac: we need to go!

You: OK fine were going! (Asshole)

*at home*

Zac: i had to go baby... im sorry im going to shower * puts phone on table*

You: umm ok? * watches go uptairs. waits til shower goes.  waits 2 extra minutes… picks up Zac's phone*

Your pov
Zac's texting a girl saying i loved what we did that night... my wife would've never done that with me while she's pregnant...

The messages

Zac: baby that was the best thing ever

Vanessa: omg you were so great!

Zac: i missed that once we broke up after high school musical

Vanessa: so when is that happening again?

Zac: maybe when im going to "Dave's" house...

Vanessa i got to go Dave's here...

Zac: bye...

Vanessa: ill be waiting for 8=====D

Your pov
He's cheating on me? Wtf! Fine this realationship is done... that asshole... ;-(... i was played a dirty trick... wait til i get my revenge!

You hear foot steps and quickly put down phone and run out the door slamming it... As you get in the car tears boil in your eyes then suddenly you think to yourself " shit! I thought i left his phone..." you go to Dave's house and you don't see Vanessa's car ( his wife). You walk to his door and knock. Dave opens it, sees you cry and quickly hugs you and holds you close and asks whats wrong... You show the messages and he gets mad and calls his soon-to-be ex-wife. He turns red of anger and tells her they're through... he runs to you and kisses you on the mouth... Dave tells you to take him to your house to beat Zac's ass... you open the door and Zac looks pissed... He grabs you by the arm but before he pulls you in Dave punches him in the face and sends you to get some clothes and stuff from your house and replace it with Vanessa's...

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