Authors Note

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Hi everyone!

As of right now I am feeling very unmotivated to continue writing this story since I've got a lot going on right now.

I have my GCSE exams in late May/early June so I'll be revising for that. On top of that I'm signing up for my schools Six Form and the main way to get in is if I get grades 5-6 or above on my exams for the three subjects I wanna do for A-Levels which I have not decided, other than English.

I've also got no ideas on what I want to do job wise and for upcoming chapters for my fan fictions.

I'm behind on work at school and am struggling to keep good grades but on the good side, I'm being provided with extra tutoring for English at school and extra English/maths in replacement of dropping my Music GCSE.

My stress levels are high and will be for the next 8 months so I'm sorry for not posting that much.

I may not post for a while until everything is sorted but if anyone wants to talk then you can Message on the comments or message me privately.

I hope you understand! 😅

(I put this same with on my 'A Valhalla Angel on Midgard' fan fiction)

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