this is a nightmare

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the blonde winced at the pain.

the pain wasn't only in his chest where there was a fresh stab wound but also in his heart. while the pain of the wound was horrible but the emotional pain that comes from your own brother stabbing you was unbearable.

"YOU are the weak one."

"YOU deserve this."

"YOU are an annoying little brat."

now he really knows how techno felt.

he was really making jokes at a time like this. in his final moments. not even his own brother was willing to help him. in fact, he was the cause of tom's death. he wanted to be a hero yet he never died like one. thats another person he's dissapointed. time to add that to the list. he was a disgrace to everyone. everything. manberg, l'manberg, the eggpire, las nevadas. he was probably worthless to the kinoko kingdom too. he was worthless. he will always be nothing. his best friend hates him. his dad hates him. even his HERO hates him. i was right. nobody likes him. no one cares.

suddenly, everything went black.

was this the end? was he finally set free from his eternal pain? he needed to be patient. he was almost there.

he let himself sink into the hardwood floors which were once his home.  

he had given up.

he couldn't do anything about it.

he opened his mouth to cry for help yet he couldn't utter a single word.

he closed his eyes.

he had finally accepted his fate.

but for some reason, he still wanted to fight it.


he woke up.

cold sweat was dripping down his face. he thought he had actually died. but the universe just so happens to hate him. it was never his time to die. he rolled off of bed, brushed his teeth then changed into a new outfit (for the first time in 4 days) and went in to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and forget about his dream.

"well you're up early. for once." will spat out.

"take a chill pill boss man, you're always so angry and so on edge-"


"that was rude, anyway back to what i was saying you're just so mean and even dad hates y-"

tommy felt a tight grip on his throat, pressing onto his windpipe. he knew exactly what was gonna happen.

"p- please wi-ll i'm sorry i- it won' happen again!" tommy managed to choke out.

"ah ah ah, no apologizing now you little annoying piece of shit. this is how you'll learn that your stupid action have consequences."

just a few seconds later, he passed out.

"tch. so fucking weak." wilbur fumed.

after what seemed like hours, he woke up.

"TOMMY! oh my god are you okay??? who hurt you?? what happened??? oh my god i'm so happy that you're awake!" tubbo gushed out.

"oh! good morning toms! after i'm done with work wanna go for a walk?" wilbur asked. he sounded like he really had no ulterior motives but, after 17 years of living with him, he can never not recognise that look his eyes. that look where even though they're still their natural brown, it feels as if they're red shards of glass, piercing through him.

with hesitancy laced in his words, he replied with a simple, "okay."

"i'm gonna go back to my room now, cya later boss men!" tommy shouted, hoping no one would catch on to how his eyes were glossy and almost filled to the brim with tears, or how his nose and cheeks were red. 

"but tommy are you oka-"

"YEP IM FINE I JUST HAVE WIFE HAVING THINGS TO DO NOW BYE!" as soon as he finished his sentence, he bolted to his room. hoping, praying to the gods that tubbo wasnt suspicious of what was happening between him and will.

as soon as he entered his room, he locked it twice and opened what looked like a chest but had ender eyes on it. it had the label 'big mans chest'

"where is it.... where is it... THERE!" tommy whispered to himself.

he picked up a purple disc from his chest which was labelled 'mellohi'. it was scratched and survived a bunch of wars somehow, though it had tons of scratches and was chipped in a few areas.

he walked over to his jukebox and took a deep breath before placing the disc inside it.

 as soon as the disc started playing, memories came flooding back to him.

"how about this, i give you the discs and you give us independance?" (a/n its spelt like that because of the decloration of independance)

"hmm...... fine. its a deal." 

that one day of independance was fun. what came after wasnt.

his mind played the next memory

"THE DISCS- THE DISCS WERE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE! wait tubbo im sorry i didnt mean it-"

"save it. dont apologize now. just leave. don't come back."

he didnt say that. did he?

the same words played in his mind over and over and over again. until, he started hearing dream say those exact words. dream. his mind started playing another memory.

"you're never gonna be president tommy."

and another.

"youre so fucking weak." 

and another.


now he didn't hear anything. instead, he saw and felt it.

he felt the salt water caress his scarred and bruised skin, he felt it going down his esophagus and reaching his stomach. he felt his lungs start to fill up with the bitter liquid. 

after just a few minutes, he had passed out. in the memory anyway.then, a miracle happened. the disc had auto ejected itself. he was free. now, you may be wondering why i said he was free. well, me and tommy have a.. contract. per se. everyday, after will torments him enough, he has to listen to the mellohi disc (and get flashbacks of darker times) in exchange for me not hurting anyone he cares about. this may seem cruel but, he dosent mind. after all, i was his best friend in exile, the only one who visited him. the only one did care about him. and the only one who will evr care about him. 

isnt that right tommy?

- :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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