Chapter 8: Business Party

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{Dahvie's POV}

I sipped from my glass as I glanced around the room. I knew hardly anyone, and to make things worse- I didn't even remember why we were here.

I saw people making way for someone walking towards me. His face was one that I'd promised never to see again. Jayy.

{Jayy's POV}

I froze the second we made eye contact. My face began turning red and my fists started clenching themselves. Instead of making a scene I decided to just strike a conversation with him. "Fancy meeting you here." I sighed. "Trust me, I didn't want to see you here either." he snorted. I rolled my eyes and 'accidentally' spilled my drink on his tux.

He gave me a dirty look and started walking towards the men's room. I followed him and began to help him clean up. "Look I'm so sorry. Its just, I never wanted to see you again." he said.

I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. He finished cleaning up while I went back to the party.
I saw him approach me again. He looked down. Good. He broke my heart.

"Do you not care?" he asked. I tilted my head out of confusion. "Do you not care that I fucking loved you, Jayy?" he repeated. I stood silent, surprised. Suddenly adrenaline started pumping through my veins, urging me to punch him. "Excuse me?" I breathed instead. He kept his eyes locked on mine.

I took a breath and regained my composure. "Do I care? Did I care when I picked you off the streets whenever you'd get drunk and run away? Did I care when I kissed you? Did I care when I gave everything up to make you happy? Did I? Because I'd say it's safe to say that I did. I loved you, David. I loved everything about you. I loved you every night we spent together, every night you brought home a different hooker. I cried over you again and again, but I refuse to do it anymore. I told myself that a while ago. I've moved on." I ranted. Dahvie stood back a step and tried to take my hand. I smacked him away and turned to run.

He followed me into the parking lot. He caught up to me, grabbing my shoulder while I unlocked the car. I froze. "Just. Stop. Leave me alone, Dahvie. You had your chance." I sighed. He let go, letting me slip inside the car.
When I got home I ran to Josh. "Woah, hold on. Are you crying?" he asked. I wiped my eyes and laid on the bed. "I saw Dahvie at my party for work.." I answered. He held me tight until I fell asleep.
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I stood up and stumbled into the kitchen where Josh was making his signature bacon veggie omelets.

"Smells good." my stomach growled as I wrapped my arms around him. He kissed my cheek and resumed flipping the food. "Are you feeling better?" he asked. I nodded. I just hope I never see him again. "Just don't leave me for him." he chuckled. I laughed. "I wouldn't even think about it. He had his chance and he fucked up on multiple occasions." I vented. "Well, if you ever wanna talk about, feel free. I don't mind." he smiled. I thanked him and stole a strip of bacon off the counter.

"Heeeeeey. Those are for omelets." he pouted. I laughed and sat the bacon back down, after taking a bite. "That's going to go in yours, since you can never wait." he chirped. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. "Whatever."

{Dahvie's POV}

"3 shots of straight Amsterdam." I ordered. The bartender gave me a sad look as he placed the three shots on the counter. "What's wrong? You normally only get 2." he noticed.

"Saw my old friend at a business party. He told me he was happy with someone else and that he never wants to see me again. I mean, its been two years. You'd think he'd at least wanna be friends again." I sighed. "Tsk tsk. I'm not gay, but I can tell ya that boys are jerks. You're a jerk, he's a jerk, hell even I'm a jerk. We're all greedy and self centered. Its who we are." he laughed. I shook my head, watching him pour me a fourth shot.

"See but he wasn't the jerk. I was. I didn't know he liked me, so I slept with girls to get over the pain of being alone. I had no idea that he liked me back. If I was him, I wouldn't wanna see me either." I admitted. How could I be such an ass?

"Well, get your life on track. Don't worry about him. If its meant to be, he'll show up again. If its not, then you'll find someone else." he answered. I thanked him for the advice, payed for my shots, and walked home.

{Jayy's POV}

"You're going alone? Why am I never invited?" I asked. He hesitated. "Well, my mom doesn't really know I'm gay, so it wouldn't be good if I brought my boyfriend." he explained. "Wait, so you're embarrassed to be with me?" I gave him a death glare. "No, not at all. Its just not the time to come out, yet. I wanted to wait until I got my life straight." he sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Isn't your life already straight? I mean everything is going good for you. We have money, you have a spouse. Why not show it off?" I argued.

He gave me a look, telling me not to go any farther. But I did. "Isn't your artwork going well?" I pushed. He ignored me, packing his weekend bag. "Answer me! I need to know!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist.

"No, okay? Its not going well. No one wants to buy my shitty art, at least not while I'm alive. Who knows, maybe I'll be like Van Gogh. Ahead of my time." he screamed at first, calming down gradually. "I'm sure you'll find the right audience." I helped. He rolled his eyes and zipped his bag shut, kissing me before he left.

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