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Haibara's POV

I felt the uneasiness when I'm around him, I'm sure he's with that black organization and is here to observe us. Kudo kun is not caring about it. I'm sure he knows something and is hiding from me. I should really stay away from him, If I want to live.

He really shifted to kudo kun's home. Even though I threatened that good for nothing to make that guy leave, He still sticks around. His eyes are always on our home. He even dared to ask to let him stay with us that day, NO WAY. When I denied, He went to Kudo Kun's home.

Seriously, I should do something about this stalker, He's a bad news. I can't let him stay for long, I should make him leave as soon as possible before it becomes dangerous to us.

As I'm thinking this, Kudo-Kun and detective boys came to our home to play. I really like playing with these kids. Even though it's childish, I enjoy my time with them, I think, It's my chance to complete my incomplete and lonely childhood here with them.

We played some video games and started to play with the drone made by hakase(professor) which takes the shape of an insect, and is mostly used for spying someone.

The kids decided to test the drone on our neighbor saying they were curious about what the college graduate student does at home. To be honest, I think He does nothing else other than stalking us -_-. That creepy and strange neighbor of us. I had a bad feeling about this, So I denied the kids from doing that and suggested them to spy someone else.

Kudo-Kun came to me and said, "come on, Aren't you interested in what your neighbor is doing?" I replied, "What else other than spying on us?".

Kudo-Kun's POV

At first, I thought it's a bad idea too, To spy on Subaru-san. But Subaru-san said, It's okay when I texted him. He wanted haibara to trust him so that he can protect her better. I understand his feelings. I hope haibara doesn't get all scared of him. He's on our side after all.

Subaru's POV

Conan or should I rather say, Shinchi? He texted me about what the kids are planning with the drone. Though, I already know about their plans. I don't mind, I just want the princess to not run away from me. I promised her after all. I promised her to protect her sister. I should keep this promise with all I've got. For her sake.

Haibara's POV

I agreed at last, I want to catch him red handed spying us, So Kudo-kun will take my warnings seriously about how dangerous He might be. I think Kudo-Kun also wanted to spy him for the same reason as mine. But Is acting like that neighbor is not dangerous at all.

The drone started and we all are looking at the screen, We saw that neighbor with a cup in his hand,

Ai - "Look at him enjoying the drink while watching us" . I whispered

Conan- "Isn't he just drinking and enjoying the latest mystery novel? How come did you deduct that he's spying on you? He's not that dangerous, see. He's a good person". Kudo-Kun whispered back to me, As if he really wants me to trust that creepy stranger.

Ai - "What did he do to you, To make you support him like that? Don't tell me you're helping the black organization to get me killed."

Conan - "Oi, Now are you having trust issues with me?"

Ai - "I'm just being careful, What will you do if he's that Bourbon who's assigned to kill me? They'll get to know about you too, and we both will eventually die"

Conan - "He's not a bad guy haibara, He's does not become Bourbon just because he's drinking it. Don't get that scared."

Ai - "Anyway. Make him leave your house, I don't know what you'll say to him, I want him out of here"

Conan - " Oi, You don't have to go that far, It's my wish after all, I can give my home to anyone."

Seems like it can't be helped, He's just denying and trusting that stranger, I don't really know what's gotten into him, I should be careful anyway.

I heard tsuburaya-kun shouting at kojima-kun to wait and not to go that side, They're fighting over the controller and the drone fell down on the book shelf in the neighbor's home.

I saw professor yelling at them, "What are you doing to my precious drone, Go and get it back, I have to demo it to a customer today", We went to his house to take the drone.

This feeling again, I'm really scared now. I hid behind Kudo-Kun, While That man asked us what's wrong then the kids explained about the drone that fell in his home. He helped searching for it and returned the drone to kids, and he's walking towards me. He came close and told with that mischievous smile on his face "Looks like someone is spying on his spy".

What does he mean? Does that mean he's really always watching me? He's actually really spying me. Creepy. I definitely don't like this, That's it, I glared at him, If one more word slips his mouth, I'm going to fight back.

That guy smiled as if he's enjoying my expression. He gets on my nerves. But, For now, I choose to ignore him. I don't want him to kill me/ doubt me.

I went back to home. And The kids played the video games for sometime and went to home too.

It's been a long day, I guess I'll do some research on the antidote.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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