Chapter 1

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This is my first story so sorry if this doesn't go well.... Sorryyy.... Hope you guys enjoy this little experiment. And really this how really imagined Keith from the first time i got to know that he is a Galra.

All the members of the coalition were still arguing in the meeting hall in the commander ship. They all are arguing about the newest attack done by Honerva. Her attacks are mainly targeted at Galra and the planets helping the coalition. In all this arguing Alura and Pidge were questioning Zenodeks holographic memory, with the hope of getting more clues of what was going on after the fall of Zarkon's empire. The empire is going wired more since the Lotor's death. The good thing is most of them are now a part of the coalition under the leadership of Blade of Mamora.

The best thing happening over these things is that once invaders of the universe are now saviours of it. Galra are doing everything they can with Blade of Mamora. But some are still fighting for their power. With all the arguing no one notices the chamber door open. Alura and Pidge came in. Their faces were hard.

"What is going on here?" Alura scolded.

Everyone looked surprised and froze in mid-air.

"Sorry Princess, we were discussing what to do, "Shiro said as clearing his throat.

After they were all seated in their respective places, Pidge came to the front with Alura.

"We found something really important and in some way shocking," Pidge said.

"What is it?" Acxa asked. She was standing behind Keith with some blade of Mamora agents.

Peige look at her and turned to others.

"As we all know Galra empire we see today was created by Zarkon. And after his and Lotor's death, we all thought that the Royal bloodline of the Galra empire had gone. But..... we were wrong, "Pidge's voice was very serious.

Confusion, surprise and doubt ran through the chamber. Everyone looked confused, except for Keith and Acxa. They looked scared. Keith is even looking pale. But with all that going on no one noticed this.

"WHAT?!" Lance screamed with his usual damn sound.

"Yes, Lance. Let me continue," Alura said. As she said this no one said anything.

"10000 years ago before Zarkon became the Emperor of Dibarsole, he had a brother named Zarook. He had no interest in power. So he left Diaborsol giving the power to Zarkon. But after Zarkon turned his rage and started to invade, Zarook took all the innocent Galra and people who stood against Zarkon out of Diarbasol. But after that, they didn't have any news until.......... nearly 40 decades ago.

"Zarook's daughter had come out, but no one knows her whereabouts. And after 25 or so decades ago Zenodek's and Zarkon 's all got the news that the grandson of Zarook is still alive on Earth. He isssss........."

Keith's face was pale as snow. The same goes for Acxa as well.

" KEITH !" Alura shouted. She was calling him several times now. It was like Keith had just lost in his thoughts.

"Keith," Acxa call o him gently. She put her hand on Keith's shoulder and murmured something to him that only he could hear.

He shook his head and turned to Alura.

"Yes Princess?" he said.

"Where were you?" she  asked angrily as well in surprise.

"Sorry. I lost in my thoughts," Keith replied calmly. It was like he was choosing what to say. When Keith looks around, everyone was staring at him. Might be because Alura calls him so many times before he noticed it.

"Anyway, I was asking from you that, Do you know anything about Prince of Mamora?" 

Now everyone is turned to him. Since he is the only Galra and  Blade of Mamora agent in the team every one is staring at him. Looking for an answers that Keith might have to stake his life. 

"P...P- Prince of Mamora?" his voice was trembling. His face pale and it sums he is scared of some thing.

"Yes. The grandson of Prince Zarook.," Alura said.

Keith kept quite for a moment. And then said, " I really don't know anything about this subject," he said in his usual cold voice. "But I can ask from Kolivan and my mother about him."

"we'll do our best to find information about him Princess. Don't worry," Acxa said.

"Thank you," Alura said.

"We'll talk and let you know soon," Keith said as raising to his feet. He curtsied to the others and left the chamber with Aca and the Blades.

Acxa motion to the soldiers to leave them as soon as they came out.

"What are we going to do now?!" Acxa said. From her voice anyone can say that she is realy worried about something. She put her hand on Keith's shoulder as to calm him. 

"We need to talk," that was all Keith said before going to his room with Acxa.

There might be some grammar mistakes. But hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I will update new chapter or two every week.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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