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future au where l&h finally have it all figured out, they're only missing one small piece. the song for the mood of the story though is ofc just a little bit of your heart // ariana grande and turning page // sleeping at last (!!!!)

enjoy? x

"Darling, Haz, baby, stop. Stop fixing and just breathe." Harry finally looks up from where he's been dusting the same spot for the past minute. The entire house was immaculate but the curly boy just couldn't sit still.

Harry sighs and Louis knows that sigh.

"What is it, baby?" Louis asked the question, though he was sure he knew the answer.

"I just I want everything to be perfect, ya know? I want them to like me, us, Lou. What if they... what if they don't?"

Louis looks at his boy with a wistful smile. It was hard to talk to Harry when he got like this, set in whatever mood he'd buried himself in. Louis understood why Harry was so nervous, today was sort of a make or break day, which was why Louis needed Harry at the top of his game, anxiety be damned.

"They're gonna love you, baby, love us. What's not to love anyway? We're successful, charming as all hell, and hey, I can't speak for myself but you're not too bad on the eyes, either."

Harry's lips lift the tiniest bit at Louis' last comment but he's still guarded. "What does my face have to do with anything?"

Louis walks to him, past all their cozy furniture, and grabs Harry's hands. The younger lads head is still down turned, refusing to meet Louis' eyes. Louis' used to it, though, and plows ahead.

"Your face? Darling, that face is everything. That face is what gave me the confidence to stay in that bloody band, that face is what pulled me through every night of doubt, wondering when it would all be over, and that dimpled, beautiful, one-of-a-kind face is the reason I put a ring on your finger. Well, one reason, anyway."

At that Louis lifts Harry's hand and places the daintiest of kisses on the aforementioned ring. It was gorgeous, who wouldn't want to kiss it? A thick gold band with a large, antique diamond in the middle, two small sapphires on either side of the bigger stone. Louis had it custom made to reflect his eyes because he knew how Harry loved them. When Louis proposed, for the fourth--or was it the fifth?--time, and presented Harry with the jeweled band, Harry cried. Genuinely overflowed with tears and wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, a chorus of, "Yes yes yes a million times yes oh my god Louis yes," spilling out of him.

It wasn't the first time he'd proposed, that happened during a very drunken night at the Wellington and neither of them considered the proposal legitimate, but Louis wanted this time to be the last. He'd done his fair share of waiting, walked through hell and back, and had his name dragged through the mud all the while. For one boy. For one curly-haired frog of a boy who, for whatever reason, took a chance on Louis and started calling him his own.

It's been 8 years since the XFactor, where Louis and Harry met, just babies the two of them, really, and Louis still can't wrap his head around Harry's love for him. Louis specifically remembers the time Harry sang, "I'm in love with Lou," during Little Things while they were on the Take Me Home tour. Louis' jaw dropped then and it still catches him off guard when Harry admits it out loud or says it off-handedly in public. Louis knows Harry loves him, he just isn't sure why. Whenever Louis asks him, Harry just smiles that certain smile and says, "Didn't choose you, Lou. M'heart did."

Cheesy bastard.

"Well, I'm glad my face was enough reason to marry me, really you're so deep, Tomlinson." Harry rolled his eyes but finally looked up at Louis, and that felt like a small win.

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