Author's Note 9/17/21

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After much consideration, I decided not to beat around the bush any longer and finally came to the decision that I will not be continuing THE BITE OF AN ALPHA on Wattpad anymore.

I know to many this may seem abrupt, unfair, and maybe even an exaggeration on my end. However, I just don't feel comfortable on this site like I used to. Wattpad does nothing to assure the safety of its writers and that doesn't sit right with me. I also don't think it's fair to continue to spend hours on my book for someone else to profit off of it and frankly finding out that it's been plagiarized on 5+ apps is just a huge hit.  Did I play some fault in this? Absolutely. However, I don't think it should've gotten to this point regardless if I waited too long to update it. I recently found out a fellow author I follow also had her completed story plagiarized.

Still, I apologize to the ones who have been with me since the very beginning. I apologize for not having completed it sooner. I am very sorry to leave you all in the dark now. I always figured I'd have time to finish it on this site when I was ready. I was wrong. I am not sure if I will be continuing on a story app (if any of you know of one that is A LOT MORE secure than Wattpad please let me know) or self-publishing to give you guys the ending you all deserve. I will keep you updated when I finally do decide.

I also continue to report TBOAA on GoodStory and I've also found it on WerewolfStory. I have also contacted iReader again to see if they can remove the ad. As for the site that stoled it, there is not much I or any of you can do. It is a notorious site that has plagiarized many books on here and uses the author's Wattpad username. There is a petition online that I plan to sign to get the site shut down.

Lastly, I have been reading your messages on my board, comments, and private messages (even those dating back to 2015!) You are all so sweet and encouraging and I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for taking the time, thank you for the votes, for even reading my story to begin with, thank you for caring about my well being, thank you for your support. I will miss it so much.

Please do keep in mind that Mason & Eden's story isn't at its end, it's just at a standstill.

And yes, Mason does have a heart and shows it eventually .... Eden might even meet someone very important one day...and Vlad still likes making Nathan uncomfortable!

Until next time,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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