Hogwarts Express

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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
O/N - Owl' s Name

   Reader's pov

The summer vacation has ended,all students are now preparing for their next school year at hogwarts,y/n was still asleep,the sun light peaked on her window gently hitting her face,she stirred as she began to wake up hiding her face from the light when her alarm clock suddenly rang making her startled and fell off from the bed "owww!" she said as she gently rubbed the back of her head "stupid clock" she muttered as she slowly got up and went to take a shower. After a few minutes of shower she then changed into her school uniform and robes as she went down to the kitchen "Oh good morning sweetheart" her mother said as she smiled making her a plate of toast and eggs "Good morning mom" she replied sitting down on the table. Her mom gave her the plate of food "Are you ready for your next school year today honey?" her mom asked "Yes mom and I hope it will fun this year not like what happend in my 2nd year" she sighed as she started eating "Oh honey I'm sure it will be good this year" she said smiling "Now finish your food and grab your trunk so we can go" y/n nodded as she finished her food and grabbed her trunk "Where is dad by the way?" She asked as she fixed her tie "Your dad is already at work honey" she said smiling "Now are you ready? Do you have everything in your trunk already?" "Yes mom I have it all already" she replied smiling up at her "Alright let's get going now" They both apparated in an empty alley and went to a muggle station ,they both ran through a wall between platforms 9 and 10 and at the blink of an eye they are now at king' s cross station,y/n smiled as she saw all the other students bidding goodbye to their parents.

"Everyone all aboard the train is leaving in 5 minutes!" shouted the driver of the train,y/n turned to her mom "Mom I need to go now,I'll be writing to you everyday if it's possible" she said giggling "I'll miss you honey" she said as she kissed her forehead,y/n now got on the train waving goodbye to her mom. She was now finding an empty compartment but couldn't since all compartments are full,after a few minutes of finding she then finally found a compartment with no occupant "Thank Merlin! I though I would be taking my whole day finding an empty one" she then went in the compartment and sat down "Ahh..finally" she said letting out a deep sigh,she saw her mom from the window waving at her,she waved back and the train started to go.


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