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"Favour! Favour!!" Favour heard his mom's voice and squeeze his eyes shut,his erection going flat immediately. He was about getting to the real deal when his mom spoiled everything,he stood up and shifted his trouser before leaving the room,he met his mom in the sitting room

"What's it?"Favour asked almost in a disrespectful manner

"I forgot those jewelries I planned on giving to inya ibeji. Check my wardrobe it should be there and bring it immediately"His mom said and he stood looking at his mom like she lost it,her mom had unknowingly stop him from getting something he always wished for from day one. He swallowed and went to his mom's room to take the jewelries handing it over to his mom

"Is Kike still around?"His mom asked and they suddenly heard footsteps approaching them, mother and son turn to look at Kike, Favour's mom started smiling immediately her eyes landed on Kike

"So you're still around?" The older woman asked

"Yes,I'm going right now. I'm feeling sick" Kike said and the older woman nodded

" Okay,I will call you"Favour's mom said and Favour followed Kike out of the house

"Are you really feeling sick?" Favour asked as soon as his mom is out of earshot

"Yes,my stomach is rumbling and I haven't take anything since morning" Kike said and Favour's eyes went wide

" Which stamina you wanted to use to sleep with me?"Favour asked and Kike shrugged,he chuckled before stopping a bike for her "I hope we see soon"

"Yeah" Kike replied before climbing the bike.

The bike took her to her house and she climbed down,she didn't bother paying the bike man because Favour already did,she went inside the room to meet her mom busy chuckling with her phone

"Come come come Kike,see the aso-ebi your sister is sending down to us, I love it"Mrs Rotimi said and Kike went closer to her and look at her mother's phone

" Who owns the blue,me or you?" Kike asked

"I don't know yet,until when it comes then I will know which one to choose. See Kike people in this town will hear from me that day,my first daughter is finally getting married. You too should be fast and bring your husband"Mrs Rotimi said and Kike chuckles

" I'm just in level one remember,there's still a long way to go"Kike replied and her mother shot her a bad look

" Don't come and start talking like your sister,the only saving grace she had is she finished from University early,you're already twenty Kike and you will be twenty one soon,make use of your time"Mrs Rotimi said and Kike's phone suddenly started ringing

"I hear you maami!"Kike said and head towards her room picking her phone, it's Rose calling her

"Babe!" Kike said after picking the call

"Kike!!!!!" Rose shouted happily and Kike wondered what's making her this happy

"What's shaking your bubu this afternoon?" Kike asked and Rose chuckled

" Raphael proposed to me in a grand style yesterday,God! You have to see him. I'm becoming a Mrs soon Kike,I'm just so happy. When are you coming back to Lagos na,I'm missing you already"Rose said and Kike's smile widen

" I'm so happy for you babe, Raphael is a good man and handsome at that. You're a lucky one my sister, getting married to your dream man"Kike replied

" You can say that again. Thank you"Rose said and Kike chuckled

" Don't worry I will be back to Lagos as soon as possible,you know the holiday is just two weeks and I already spent three days out of it,before you know it now we are back to school again"Kike says

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