When I was your man.

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The phone rang, and rang, and rang. He didn't pick up, and so I left another message after the beep, "Steven, please. Just let me talk to you."

I waited anxiously for a while, but when I went to phone again I had been blocked.

What the fuck?

I threw my phone at the wall, and ignored the obvious cracking sound as I flopped down onto the bed.

*Flash back*

I ran my fingers through his hair smiling at his tired eyes. He looked up at me, innocent and happy.

"I really love you Anthony." Steven whispered.

My heart leapt in my chest, and my tongue caught in my mouth. I let myself calm down and, eventually, echoed his words, "I love you too, Steven."

I felt him grab me, and shift me towards him in an embrace. It was awkward and far from comfortable in the bed, but we were together, and that's all that matters.

*Flash back*

The bed felt cold and empty without his presence next to me. It felt like a kick in the stomach and I wanted to curl up against the pain.

I stood up, and wandered to the kitchen table, clutching my shattered phone. I sighed, and slumped down in the seat. The flowers in the vase were dying, and when I lightly touched one the petals broke off and plummeted to the table.

*Flash back*

The shops were bright, and the streets full of life. The windows were colourful and Steven stopped dead in front of the florist. I paused and stood beside him to look in.

"What?" I questioned.

"They're so beautiful. I don't know why... I just really want those ones." As he said it, he pointed at a bunch of sun flowers sat between other varieties.

"Say the word, and it shall be done." I laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the shop, no matter how reluctant he was.

*Flash back*

I closed my eyes. Everything was a reminder of him, and they all pulled distant and beautiful memories from our past, but each one was like a bullet to the heart. I wasn't ready to stop fighting for him.

Next to the flowers a photo sat on the table, it showed me and Steven, smiling and holding hands in front of a water fountain.

*Flash back*

He stood there, blushing and staring at the ground as if it held all the secrets of life.

"Steven? What is it?" I asked.

"I was just wondering... When will we do something in public?" He didn't stop focusing on the concrete as he spoke.

"What do you mean, do something?" I grinned, and he gave me a light shove.

"Like, I don't know, hold hands?" This time he made eye contact.

"Do you need to?"

"No, no, it's okay." He seemed offended and hurt.

"Well, I need to." As I said it I grabbed his hand and pulled it up to my lips. I gave it a gentle kiss and let them fall, intertwined, to our sides.

*Flash back*

My hand felt empty, lying on the table. I looked at it, hopelessly dreaming and wishing that Steven would walk into the room and pick it up. That he would kiss along my knuckles, and ask what was for breakfast. That he would be here, and break this silence.

ZeRoyalChaos one shots.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant