Strangers in the night.

395 21 4

The casino was quiet, calm. The stench of tobacco was familiar and comforting, but still not inviting. Smoking had never appealed to me, despite being surrounded by it.

The dealer set out another deck of cards, and shuffled them in an organised style, like a professional.

Sitting back in my chair, I drummed my finger tips on the green velvet of the table. I was waiting for the evening to pick up, for more chumps to try and take me on.

See, I always win. Not because I'm good at gambling, and not because I'm lucky. I win because this is all rigged.

Me and the owner have a deal; he lets me win, and I ignore the big debt he has.


It's all just a waiting game.


Business was good tonight, lots of people coming in to play a few rounds. My table had been visited regularly, but not too often. The noise had picked up, and the jazz band could barely be heard over the trivial cheers of one time visitors.

When you're a regular you understand the atmosphere we desire. I have friends here, and they know to keep it down.

The voices got even louder, and I'd had enough. I snapped my fingers, and the dealer on the table rushed off. A few moments later he returned, and two men dressed in black ushered the trouble maker out.

The dealer looked at me questioningly, and I nodded. Silently I exited the casino through the back door, and I entered the alley. The men held the struggling new comer, and I gestured for them to hold him still.

His eyes met mine and he became increasingly worried.

"What's going on?" He spoke fairly high pitched, with a thick Boston accent.

"Your were being too loud. Don't you know that this part of town is dangerous?" I asked, stepping closer, and brushing my suit down casually.

"My friend bet I wouldn't even come here, and so I did to prove them wrong. It was fun, and so I decided to stick around for a while." He seemed apprehensive.

"That, was your mistake." I paused to unbutton my suit jacket. "In my part of town, we like to keep a chilled atmosphere, not chaotic. You should have been less exaggerated. Didn't you notice how quiet everyone else was?"

"No... Well, yes. I just thought you were a bunch of old guys. Boring stiffs."

"Another mistake. You're just full of them. I'm surprised your parents didn't kill you."

"God, I'm sorry. Can't we just forget this? Let me leave, please."

"Were you begging for his forgiveness, or using his name in vain?" I slipped my hand into my inner pocket.

"What? Who?"

"The Lord. You shouldn't use his name in vain."

I brought the gun out of my pocket, and his face transformed. He was shocked and terrified.

"Please, don't kill me." He begged.

"Proud men don't beg. I was going to kill you the second you started shouting in my casino, all your mistakes just make it easier on me."

I raised the gun and aimed, before he could spout anything else I fired. The bullet hit him directly in the forehead, and the blood started to pool around it. The raised skin around the entry point couldn't contain all the blood, and it slowly trickled down his face. There was still the energetic, dramatic look to his features. Gradually he paled, and it took only seconds.

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