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Meanwhile, Sophia continued to fight off Karrox. Suddenly, the five other Nebula Force Rangers have arrived.

B-Squad Nebula Force Red:
" Hold it right there creep!"

" Darn! I was so close!"

Karrox retreats.

Sophia fell to the ground as Johnny help her as all six rangers demorphed.

" Looks like that alien has found its way into our base."

" I know. But we need to tight the security. That alien is obviously plotting to captured me. But it won't be an easy task."

" If that creep comes back, then we should be ready for him."

" Despite he managed to infiltrated our base. He will be marked as the most dangerous criminal."

" SPD should have deal with this guy first."

" Jack and his team were probably going after this creep."

" I'll try to contact the SPD if they are hunting down a rogue alien criminal named Karrox. Despite he poses serious danger to our security. Remember, we lost the contact of the A-Squad team several days ago."

" We still do not know where the location of our A-Squad team."

Meanwhile, Karrox is at his secret base along with his servant Blackcrawl.

" Master Karrox." Blackcrawl said. " I suspected that we have some several monsters who were on our prisons."

" That would be good. But I will cancelled my plans to hunting down the Crimson Ranger."

" What about the disappearance of the A-Squad?"

" That doesn't concerned me right now."

Meanwhile, Sophia showed five files, the info about the members of the A-Squad Nebula Force Rangers to the B-Squad Nebula Force Rangers.

" All members of the A-Squad are girls?"

" Long before you became the B-Squad Nebula Force Rangers, the A-Squad Nebula Force Rangers became the most dominant squad in the Inter Galactic Battle Force. My younger sister Irene is the A-Squad Nebula Force Red Ranger. She and the rest of the members just disappeared after we fought several armies from the Neo Machine Empire."

" Then, you have green ranger instead of black."

" That is difference between A-Squad and B-Squad. I still don't know what happened to Irene and her team. I'm pretty sure that they're still alive somewhere."

Meanwhile, back at the Neo Machine Empire as Karrox returned as Goldar Imperium showed up.

Goldar Imperium:
" Where have you been Karrox?"

" You managed to get rid of those A-Squad."

Goldar Imperium:
" Yes I did."

" You should have told me about this from the beginning."

Goldar Imperium:
" You don't need to captured the Crimson Rangers."

" I don't need to because I have bigger plans to take care of the business.".

Goldar Imperium:
" Let's get back on business when it comes to have alien monsters within your dungeon."

" You can asked me if you want to sent a monster to deal with the B-Squad Rangers."

Goldar Imperium:
" Of course. It's a fair deal."

" Fair deal."

Meanwhile, Johnny and his team were in the middle of the forest as they heard someone from the bushes.

A-Squad Nebular Black:
" Looks like someone is watching us."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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