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As Rihanna and I walk into the club we go to the bar

What can I get you, two lovely ladies, The waiter says with a smirk

I will take a Shirley Temple I say and I will have a beer says, Rihanna

Oh so you wanna get messed up tonight Rihanna says

Well not really I say grabbing our drinks handing Rihanna's hers

You know I just want to forget everything bad happening in my life

I agree she says pulling me away from my drink

"Cmon let's dance"

Ok I say grinding my hips on the dance floor

"Omg nika he is so fine," Rihanna says

"I'm gonna go over there"

Ok girl I will be here

A couple of moments later

I squeal as a tall figure wraps their hands around my waist, kissing my neck.
I couldn't quite see who it was. I just know it felt too good.
As I turn around drunk, I lean on their chest. It feels like home, As I look up I realize notice that the person I'm laying on looks excessively familiar that's when it hits me I'm laying on Beyonce, I back up gazing into her eyes feeling my eyes start to water again "why why

"Come," Beyonce says as she grabs my arm and pulls me outside

You see... I didn't mean to leave you she says I was threatened

ONIKA I hear someone say as I turn around

Onika, "Rihanna says let's go or your not gonna have a ride"

I will be fine

Alright bye she says

"Continue Beyonce"

This guy you knew threatened me he said that"if I didn't leave the state he would kill my family Beyonce says as tears roll down her eyes"

Omg, I didn't know I... I'm so sorry can we go, please

"Yes love," bey says 

Do you need a ride? She says

Yes, can we go to your house I say

Ok nika

Bey Pov

Come, "I say pulling nika in my house"

Are you hungry

No, she says

I'm exhausted nika says

I set all my things down and pick her up carrying her upstairs

Ahhh she yells put me down

You're tired remember I say throwing her on the bed

Yes, now leave me be

Oh, you want me to leave you alone I say tickling her

Omg STAWPPP she yells

"Ok ok," I say laying next to her holding her tight

Goodnight she says

Good night

Onika Pov
8:30  Am

*Writes note
I gotta go to work call me later 
From -Nika

As I'm Leaving bey's house
"I hurry and drive to my house to shower and get to work"

5 hours later
1:30 Pm

As I drive into my parking lot I see my mother's car
"Sighs, What did I do now"







Safaree still gone?

Mama carol car?


So I really tried to make this good I promise it will be longer next chapter 💛💜

Make sure to vote 😍

Until next time my friends 🖖🏽💙

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