Chapter 10

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Mmom I got to go Tate says in tears and shock having found out his twin might of killed him. He heads upstairs Violet got home from school not long before. He needed to talk this out with her. Maybe he'd calm down enough that he could talk to Bo about it.He needed to know but not while his youngest brother was so upset

Violet, Tate calls she was in the process of doing as she promised Tate knew but he needed to talk. She goes to her door and see's Tate crying. She tells him to come in and goes up to hug him.She asks him what's wrong and he proceeds to tell her everything his mom just told him even as she wonders how a twin can do such a thing she listens. He explains after this news his brother who commit suicide in this house also might need counceling so he would ask his brother to come in since her mom can't know they're dead maybe she can help to come up with a story.Violet promises to try to help all she can. Tate just heard his mother and sister leave and knows that Christian has nothing better to do so he calls his brother into the room. He introduces Christian to Violet. She shyly tells him hi and asks how he died. He told her that the room she choose as hers was Tate's. That after Tate died he couldn't take it anymore and eventually killed himself in Tate's room missing his baby brother. She felt horrible for the brothers who never had a chance at life. Tate was just 16 when he died and Christian was just shy of his 18th birthday. They told her that their brother Bo was 11 and their only living sister was now Christian's age when he died.

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