My Sweet, Lilah

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I didn't mean to. I- I didn't mean to kill her. I lost control. She was yelling at me. And accusing me. I didn't do what she said I did. She was lying! What was I supposed to do?
Mother always told me that lying was wrong, 'Liars are inferior to the human race.' I listened to her and did everything she told me too, for she was my mother. I worshipped her only for me to find out that she too was a liar! Everytime she would take me away to our 'secret place' she would tell me this exact thing, 'Close your eyes, my sweet. Think of a happier place and everything will be okay. No sight, no pain. Mommy loves you.' But she lied! I felt everything, no matter how hard I tried to take myself away from that place and those endless moments, I was still there and that never changed. The only sliver of peace I got was at school, though there I was never really safe. Somehow though I prefered the pain and perpetual torture my classmates and teachers brought me to being alone at home with my mother. Now though, my mother has since passed on and I inherited her house and the 'secret place.' My life is still unbearably miserable and plain but I have met a woman who loves me the way I love her. We have just gotten engaged as well. For us the future is bright and I can't wait to spend everyday with my sweet Lilah.

As Lilah walked through the bedroom door I just stared into her eyes wondering how it was possible that she was mine. Unfortunately that moment was ruined when I realized that she was seething with rage with her one in hand. "What the hell! We are not even married yet and you're already trying to cheat!," She roared. "And of all the things you're looking for a man! How could you do this to me? To us! Why would you play with my heart like this? It's clear from this that you're not even straight!" At this point she was starting to break down. I'm not cheating on her, I would never do such a thing! And I'm not gay. Lilah is the only one for me. How could she think I would do this to her? "Lilah, Lilah, Lilah! I'm not cheating on you nor would I ever. I love you, you're the only person I will ever want. Please believe me!" I reasoned. But she wasn't having any of it. "How can I believe you when the proof is in my hand? I knew it! My father warned me not to trust you, he said you were nothing but a no good liar who would hurt me. I never should have trusted you!" She was shaking and walking toward me at an unreasonably fast pace. The next thing I knew she had gone silent, her red tear stained face showed her expression of confusion and betrayal. She dropped to the floor with a loud bang. In practically no time at all blood had pooled around her torso.
I kneeled down beside her and took her hand looking into her dead eyes one last time, tears streaming down my face. I gently closed her sweet eyes. 'No sight, No pain.'

My Sweet, Liliah Where stories live. Discover now