you can go

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Camila's POV

It's the next day after Anna and I video called all night, I woke up today feeling really happy actually, I showered and got ready with some ripped jeans, a crop top and a zip-up sweater on top and my Air Force 1 shoes

I was walking downstairs when I saw my parents sitting down on the couch all ready and without making breakfast? I was really confused but I went walking to them

"good morning" I said sitting next to them

"good morning" my dad said

"why isn't breakfast ready?, I thought we were doing it in family like we accorded to" I said even more confused cause they seemed pretty normal

"we were thinking of changing it up a little bit and go to eat somewhere" mom said smiling

"I really like that idea" I responded smiling as well

"Let's go then" both by parents said, they looked at each other and laughed since they said it at the same time

We all stood up and started walking out of the house to the car that was parked outside the house

We were starting the car when my phone started ringing with Anna's contact name in my phone appearing, as soon as I saw her name I smiled and answer as fast as possible

"hey" she said as her face appeared in my screen

"hello" I said smiling as I saw her face through the screen

"where are you going?" she asked as she saw my background showing I was in the car

"I'm going to get breakfast to... I dont really know where" we both laughed at the last part

"yeah, I love how you know where you are going" she said still laughing

"ask them and they'll tell you" I said as i turned my camera around to show my parents in the front of the car "mom, dad, this is Anna, one of the girls from Just A House" I said smiling and showing them to her

"hey Anna" both my parents said, with my dad driving so not looking at he

"hey Mr. and Mrs. Shumate" she said starting to get red

"dont call us like that, just call me y/m/n (your mom's name) and you can call him y/d/n (your dad's name)" she said smiling

"that fine Mr.s- sorry, "y/m/n" they both giggled a little

"well I gotta go, we just got here, talk to u later" I said turning the camera back to me

"have fun" she said smiling

"oh, I will, goodbye" I said laughing a little bit

"goodbye" she said before cutting off the video call

We got our if the car and got inside of the restaurant getting a table for us

"so, we actually came here to tell you something" my dad said as we were waiting for our food"

I looked at them really confused and my mom just giggled and looked at me smiling

"so, we've made our decision" she said looking at me and I started playing with my bracelets and fingers since I was nervous about what they would say

"so...?" I asked them since it was making me really nervous

"you can go, you have our permission" as soon as they said that I looked back up at them with a huge smile on my face, I got really excited and stood up and went to them to hug them and thank them for everything


Here's this little chapter, sorry I haven't been updating but I've been really busy with school and dance

anyways, did u see Anna!? she looks so blonde in that pic lol, but she still looks hot af tbh

Hope u liked it <3

Dream Girl // Anna Shumate (gxg)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum