Where are they

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Everything throughout the rest of the story is by me other than some bits based on the Dream SMP of the stuff after the election and Im adding an oc just because it seems like fun to have another character for this :> anyway onto the book ^^


I was walking around looking for some sheep to get some wool when I ran into a member of Manburg, he just stared at me, he must've been new i've never seen him before I looked at him telling him with my eyes 'who are you' he just kept staring and finally just left, it didn't bother me, not like Shlatt had anything against me other than he doesn't know me. I scoffed and started walking around again and figured there might be some wool in marburg 'with the walls down I can get in easily..' I thought to myself then heading towards manburg. As I was walking up right to the borders of manburg and the forest I saw Tommy 'what's he doing here?!' I thought, he was heading towards his old home.."probably getting resources without trying to be seen..heh..idiot" I whispered aloud then sneaking up to him with my sword out "Hands up Thomas.." I say to him.

He turns around in fright and yells "WTF?!"

I put the sword closer to him "Shh! Idiot..quiet.." I say trying to get him to shut up the house goes silent "What are you doing here.." I say trying to break the silence.

"Getting my shit, you?" He responds.

"Wool..and other resources.." I tell him lowering my weapon. "Do you..Do you have any wool and food here..?" I say a bit hesitant.

"Yeah, I should, let me check.." he responds then looking through his chests, I turn around and stand at the entrance "How much wool do you need?" he asks.

"Just six pieces.." I tell him.

"What do you plan on making with this wool?" he asks again.

"Bed.." I told him.

"Why do you need six then?" He asks next.

"None of your business tch-" I respond a bit annoyed.

"Okay, then?" He responds with, he grabs some wool and food out of the chest and hands it to me "There ya go Y/N" he tells me then running off with a bag of all his items, I put the wool and food into my bag and start walking towards the forest again.

//PT 3 is coming soon working on it right now, I am also fixing things in other books

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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