Basic tings 😎😎

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The - a (ac when followed by a word starting with a)
A - dja
Some - djaʒ
To make something negative, put "ʒo" before it
to mark the subject of a sentence - y'ja (before word) *used only when context is unclear. yl jaðʒehi y'ja ða
question marker - ga

Plural - jen-
Possessive - -ʒ'da
-ly/y - -cal
-ful - -jð
tion/cion -lyca
-ic -si
-less -nylʒ *also means to take
-ive -yvn
-self - olto-
-er - -el
est -eð
re- -aja
ity -tycl

I/me/my - snas/ðav/ni
you/your - ða/sny
he/him - dʒdu/e
she/her - vʒvu/ev
they/them - jʒað/eþ
it/it (plural) - yl/ðl
we/us/our (including) - yna/y'v/ʒy
we/us/our (excluding) - n/n'v/ʒdðe
Yous/Yous/Yalls - ʒa/syn'ja/syn'dʒ
(mostly used in formal situations)

Grammar : free word order "i like your red bag" "your red bag i like" "your bag red i like" "red bag your i like"

This/These - Jaþev/jenjaþev
That/Those - Kaðev/jenkaðev

Verb things:

Present: hʒ- if verb starts with ʒ only add h
Past - jað- verb starting with að, only add j
Future - ve-
Formal - very end of word -jaðin

Questions 🤔
(Formal added at the end here too)
What - Lyð
When - gwʒ
Who - d'ða
How - jaʒdu
Where - ʒyuja
Why - wyþn
About - colyl
Which - lyþo
Around - ʒyul

Time 🕙😁👍
Time - Gyʒa
Is - kjd
Are - dʒjav
Was - leþy
Will (not a verb) - veð
should - dʒjele
would - vejele
could - þele
now - tej

Language - cyngua
Especially - mspeðcal

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