💧Chapter 1💧

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Authors note: This is the fountain referenced later in the chap! Oc's favorite place back home As always please enjoy this chap and lmk what you think!!


There are three of them. Two clear water tribe members, and a boy with a blue arrow running down the center of his head. They're all huddled up together right across from me, blinking at me with wide and hesitant eyes.

If I didn't know any better, I'd stay there's a blush on the tanned boy's face.

A small winged lemur is sitting on the bald boy's shoulder, leading me to look around and face my surroundings. There, I find that I'm not on land at all. There's water surrounding us, giant shards of ice spearing through the cold ocean, and-

And we're flying?!

Now on high alert, I immediately stand up and back away from the group; my guard fully up as I send them all an icy glare. I ignore the massive headache and clear my throat, feeling both weary and absolutely exhausted.

"Who the hell are you?!"

If hell could freeze over, it'd feel like this. The tense atmosphere mixed with the cool air from being in the literal North Pole was enough to make me feel like I'm going to break out in a cold sweat at any second.

Admittedly, my nerves have gone haywire as I look at these random strangers. It didn't matter to me if they looked trustworthy or if they nursed me back to health. How could someone give without wanting something in return?!

I'm immediately on edge, and the fact that I just noticed I'm on a flying Bison (An animal I thought had gone instinct) Only added to the hysteria I was seconds away from breaking out in.

"W-wait!! We aren't going to hurt you! My name's Katara, this is Aang and this is my brother Sokka. We found you on the coast of some stranded island near the southern air temple!" She's pretty, with tanned skin, and light blue eyes that almost resemble mine.

She raises her hands as a form of telling me they mean no harm, and the boys on either side of them follow along. When I quirk my brow, not uttering a single word, it seems to make them all just a bit nervous.

Good. We should all be fucking nervous right now! Just what the hell is this?!

"Listen, It looked like a place the fire nation tore through. You were on the ground and badly injured so we brought you with us to try and heal you! We're heading to the northern water tribe anyway and they'd for sure be able to help" The boy on her left, her brother, Sokka explained.

I shake my head slowly, ignoring the strands of inky black hair that sway with my every move. "I-I don't remember any of that," I admit, nearly smacking my own arm for revealing a piece of myself to these total strangers, no matter how small the detail may be, I trust no one.

If I couldn't trust my family, how could I trust anyone else?

"You were knocked out when Katara and Sokka found you, maybe your memories will start coming back soon!" The bald boy, Aang, was awfully enthusiastic. He seems nice. Too nice.

In fact, they all do. The three of them look so kind, so willing to help me-

It's making me sick!

No really, physical illness. I think I'm growing a bit lightheaded-

I remain silent, unwilling to make the same mistake from earlier.

"...So...What's your name?" Sokka asked, a bright smile on his face as he addressed me. This time the red tint on his tanned cheeks is a bit more obvious. Katara nudges him with her elbow to which he yelps in surprise, the two sending each other annoyed glares that only siblings would understand.

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