Twelfth day

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He'd arrived on a Friday so that would make this his Twelfth day with the doppelganger.

At least he was managing to keep track of time. With the little analog clock, she hung from her world.

He left the bed, changed, and went in search of something to do. To count. To read and put back in its exact position so she would never know he engaged himself in her charity. Just until Elena got back and they could have their usual battle of wits.


Her scent was everywhere; clouding the atmosphere like the great London smog. That vanilla soap she used, and what he had finally established was cinnamon. Sweet with a bit of spice. Not entirely unpleasant; just bloody suffocating when he had to inhale it all day, every day. Her aroma had even leaked into his room and was now permanently wedging his nostrils and just like the London smog it was horrid for his mind.

He couldn't get away from it. From her. And it was dragging insanity into his brain just that little bit quicker. Maybe one could say she was pleasant some times but only when he had a bottle of bourbon in his system and she had a cigarette in her hand. Though he would never admit to it.

Making his way into the common area, he grabbed his usual glass of warm water and searched for something to do...But there was nothing.

So he simply stared at the clock and watched the minutes tick by until she came home at twenty- two too six, as she always did. Like clockwork. Her petite little frame slipped into the room and he indulged in a cruel smirk.

Let the games begin.

"Afternoon Doppelganger," he greeted with bravado, not particularly bothered when she didn't react. It took her a while to get riled up to a level he relished. "And how did my favorite carbon copy find the school today, any sexy teachers to have a scandal with?"

Bring a small black item from her purse he flinched a bit at the sudden light that went off bringing his palm to the forefront of the attack. Opening his eyes once the threat was gone he came to see a small digital camera in her hand.

"Fine, thank you," she responded evenly, taking her usual spot on the sofa. "I got a photography assignment today,"

He faltered. What, no 'fuck off dog' today? Where was his firey doppelganger that would have tossed her books at him by now?

"I asked you a question-

"And I gave you an answer," she replied calmly. Too calm. No twitching in her brow, no excessive blinking, she was fine.

"Let me see that," He said as he snatched the camera from her drawing her closer by the strap around her neck, what was with him and damaging her neck? Groaning she rubbed the aching area as he flicked through her pictures. Faltering a bit at an image of Caroline. She had remembered the day vaguely, Caroline had just turned fifteen and had a huge party, Elena hadn't seen her smile that bright in a while.

"None of these are any good," he criticized.

"I suppose, I am still an amateur," She shrugged and ducked out of the strap keeping them together.

The silent treatment, a challenge. Okay, he could play with that. She would react eventually. She had to. She couldn't help it, not with him. He'd waited for the spark in her eyes and the sharp retorts for over an hour. Maybe for her to toss a bottle so he would have to dodge, my good even a slap. He wanted them. Thrived on them, actually, he needed them for fear he might go mad without them.

She still didn't look at him, just plucked a book from her bag instead and started to read.

"You're not fooling me, doppelganger," he said slowly, standing directly before her and crossing his arms. "I know what you're doing."

She let out a slight laugh bring the book close to her pressing it to her nose as to hide her smile before speaking.

"You look like a spoiled child," She said her voice strained as she tried to hide her giggle at the pure annoyance on his face. The way his vein showed in his forehead as if it were about to pop alerted her that she was winning, he was mad.

"I am not," He huffed tossing his arms down causing Elena to laugh louder howling at the childish mannerisms.

"You know you want to shout at me, Doppelganger," he drawled, convinced he must be teasing her impulse to claw at him with either fingernails or insults. "Or do I have to bring up the twat who won't die and his brooding pet?"

His stony glare shifted to her ever-plump lips and waited for the customary twitch of her mouth and brow.

When you are alone with doppelganger's it is when you see the true beauty of their varied personalities the small habits and features of their face, you noticed the telling signs, and Elena was a rather fascinating specimen to read. She always seemed so put together, like her life was in her control though it never was, he wanted to do that frazzled her show her that she had no control just as he had done before just as he had done that night in the forest, All it took was a quick offensive slur about her two 'special' friends that she could never seem to pick between, and her lips would always unhinge and she would release a slur of well thought out words in his direction. Then her pupils would dilate and an agitated flush would stain her cheeks before she would resort to some sort of violence much different for the girl he had seen when he first came.

But there was no twitch today. No, her blossom-colored jaws didn't move at all. She'd broken her routine. The routine he'd almost memorized. How dare she after he had made the effort.

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