Chapter 1 - w h y

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It was at that time when Camellia knew that he found the love of his life. Camellia was just browsing on 4chan and he saw a post by 4chan user hankjmotherfuckerwimbleton696969. It was a picture of Hank with a maid outfit, cat ears, and cat tail. Omg, he is so hot, Camellia said (Quotation mark key broke) So he sent Hank a picture of himself t posing hoping that he would maybe respond.

hank: hello hottie

camellia: owo senpai responded *blushes hard* d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d- do you want to go on date with me

hank: yes, lets go to the mcdonals at 727 wysi street for a fancy dinner

camellia: ok i-i-i-i-i-i-i am on my way uwu

(after like  10 mins)

So Camellia got out of his car with hot anime girl waifus printed on it and walked toward the mcdonalds. and as he entered through the mcdonalds door he wasnt watching his step and slipped on macdonald sprite spilt on the flor!!! oh no! he just happened to fall on someone too like in those anime scene. camellia opend his eyes, omg! it was hank!!!!!1 *does anime girl pain sound effect* and instead of getting up from the ground they literaly just stayed there for 7839878297273289 years bc they dieded shortly after and the magdonals janitor had to throw the ded bodies out.........   The end!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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