Chapter 1

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He remembered struggling to breathe. Laying on the ground, trying to crawl to someone for help. Each breath feeling like a thousand knives being swallowed all at once. Pressing one hand to his chest, the crimson fluid that gave him life stubbornly refusing to stop flowing out of his chest, through his fingers, and onto the floor. He looked up, his vision going blurry as it began to fade. He knew at this moment that he was going to die, and nothing would save him now. No pouring herbal liquids onto his hands would get him out of this.

He began to emit his death rattle, slowly laying down on the ground, stopping his fight for life. As his body began to shut down, something flared to life deep within him. It was no sudden attempt for revival, however.

It was a deep, burning hatred, and a solemn promise for revenge unto those who sentenced him to his fate.

Donna Beneviento was having a rather pleasant day. Nobody was trying to break into her house today, which pleased her greatly. Currently, Angie was walking around the house, playing hide and seek with her. Some would argue that there was no purpose, seeing as how she controlled the doll, but Donna liked it all the same. She was abruptly pulled from her thoughts, however, by the sound of a very loud crash from another room.

She dashed in, only to find Angie standing in front of an open cupboard, with a broken glass at her feet. Lightly trembling from the sudden shock, Donna picked Angie up, ignoring the broken glass on the floor. It must have fallen on it's own, after all.

Alcina Dimitrescu elegantly began descending the stairs of her castle, heading for the kitchen. It was around the time where she usually grabbed her lunch. However, from behind the kitchen door, she heard a great deal of high pitched giggling. Ducking down, she opened the door to see her three daughters in an excited huddle, madly giggling over something. "Ah, hello girls. Whatever is so amusing?"

Upon hearing her voice, Bela and Daniela began to hurriedly shush each other before rushing to stand in front of Cassandra, shielding her from Alcina's view. "Oh, nothing Mother!" However, Alcina saw through their ploy right away. Gently, she pushed Bela and Daniela aside to see what happened to send her daughters into hysterics.

Instantly, her eyes widened in shock. Something simply ludicrous had happened to Cassandra's hair! It was spiky, and simply pointing everywhere, as if it was exposed to static electricity. One piece of hair was even twirled into a spiral formation. She was pulled from her thoughts by a sudden exclamation from Daniela.

"Oooh, look Mother! It happened to me and Bela, too!"

Salvatore Moreau was currently ambling around his house, no current destination or purpose in mind. Right now, he was just kind of sad. He just got back from one of Mother Miranda's meetings, and everyone treated him as though he was a monster. This was the norm for him, however, so he had grown to accept it in a way. But, no matter how often it happened, he still felt awful when it did.

Moreau was pulled from his thoughts by the sudden feeling of a warn and fuzzy blanket being dropped on his shoulders. He froze, but decided to pull it tighter around himself. It was a comforting feeling, after all. As he walked into another room, his television turned itself on, switching to one of his favorite movies. Gently grinning, he took a seat on the couch. As he sat down, he was aware of the feeling of arms wrapping themselves around him, and a gentle whisper.

"You didn't deserve this..."

Karl Heisenberg was on a mission. He was currently toying with a few new ideas for robots. More specifically, combat robots. He was currently trying to find the perfect robot soldier. One that was impervious to mass amounts of damage, could fire hundreds of bullets in a heartbeat, and maybe even come with a built in flamethrower. Keeping the basic ideas in mind, he marched over to a prototype that he'd been working on for a week or two at this point. Grabbing his tools, he began to get to work, fitting, welding, hammering, and screwing bits and pieces in to see what fit. However, his progress was halted by a light ticking sound.

Strange. He hadn't put in any clock functionality yet. Heisenberg pressed his head against the robot, in order to determine if this was a real sound, or just a hallucination. Sure enough, the sound got louder as he placed his ear against the robot's chest. He grabbed a spare plier, and opened up the chest plate, only to see a small, purple box placed amongst all the gears and wires.

"What the he-"

He was cut off by a very sudden and forceful explosion of glitter. Heisenberg stumbled backward, trying to grab onto something to break his fall. His attempts failed, however, and he ended up impacting with the cold floor of his factory in a very forceful manner. Ignoring the rather intense stinging feeling in his arm, he removed his glitter coated sunglasses and stared at his robot in confusion. Especially captivating was the simple one-word note that was in the bottom of the box.


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