Chapter 3

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At Moreau's house, he was currently pacing back and forth in front of Moreau. Although he was currently invisible, Moreau was very aware of his presence. Ever since the meeting, Moreau had been in a kind of awed silence, both from the massive prank on the Lords, and from the fact that he was receiving positive attention from someone. He had let his self esteem issues control him for far too long. But that would change. He was jarred from his inner monologue by the sound of Moreau's uncertain tone.

"That was really brave of you, Mr. Ghost. But why are you helping me? I dont really have much to offer..."

Before speaking, he focused on making his voice more ethereal and mysterious. "You doubt yourself far too much, Moreau. The others get off on this petty sense of power that they have over you. Whenever something bad happens in their lives, no matter how insignificant, they turn right to their favorite scapegoat." He gave these words a moment to sink in. Moreau sat on the couch, clearly absorbing these words. Silently, he handed Moreau a mug of hot chocolate. After taking a sip, Moreau began to open up a bit more.

"I don't know why I never tried to stand up to them. I guess...its just some kind of fear of being cast out. They've been a found family for years to me, Mr. Ghost. Miranda's been a real maternal figure in my life, and I just dont wanna find out what'll happen if she abandons me."

He sat down next to Moreau, gently draping an arm across his sad form. "Some family they are, to treat you in such a manner. You dont have to continue like this, Moreau. I can help you teach them a bit of respect."

Moreau looked at him in surprise. Nobody ever offered to help him like this before! This became very clear to his new friend, this "Mr. Ghost". "Well...what did you have in mind, Mr. Ghost?" Moreau asked almost hesitantly.

If "Mr. Ghost" was visible right now, Moreau would become very unsettled by the evil smirk that crossed his friend's face with that question.

"Oh, I have a great deal of things in mind. For now, let's put the fools out of our minds and watch a movie. How do you feel about Disney?"


Heisenberg walked into his factory, muttering angrily to himself and gently rubbing the bruise on his cheek. He just KNEW that the freak had done something to him. "I gotta admit, he does pack a punch." Heisenberg mumbled to nobody in particular. He set his hammer down on the ground very roughly, causing it to slightly crack from the force. He didnt notice this, and chose to continue walking down to the lower levels of his factory.

Things bad been strange for a while now. It had all started when Winters had disappeared. He had broken out of the church, and had been seen somewhere around Alcina's castle. But then, he had just disappeared. Her daughters said that they had last seen him when they were chasing him down a hallway. He had thrown one of his faulty guns at a window in order to break it open, and jumped out, from which point he had proceeded to run into the woods. The daughters hadn't dated to persue him any further, knowing that the consequences of exposing themselves to the cold environment would prove most deadly.

As he began to descend a set of stairs, Heisenberg reflected on the brief encounter that he had with Winters. He was a fighter, that was for sure. Heisenberg liked that in a person. Not just in a rival, but a person in general. They were always fun to mess with. There had been countless people who had been determined to finish him off, who had been determined to dethrone him. Oh, how he enjoyed making a show out of them for the other Lords!

Heisenberg was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when he suddenly tripped over something. He pushed himself back up on his feet, and turned to look at what he tripped over. He couldnt see it at first, so he kneeled down to see what it was. Upon further inspection, it appeared to be someone's body, laying in a pool of blood. Chuckling to himself, Heisenberg turned the body over in order to see just which this poor sucker was, only for his face to fall when he saw just who had died in his factory. At first, his eyes lingered on the massive stab wound on his chest. Blood stained the fabric of his shirt, making it cling to his chest. However, when Heisenberg got a good look at this person's face, all color drained from his own face as he dropped the corpse down to the ground.

"Oh, CRAP!"

He was currently staring at the body of Ethan Winters.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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