Let's Be Honest

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Here I am a black kid from the east talking about myself on the world wide stage and these dudes are taking it like it's the new civil rights movement! They say if you want to help others you must do as your told. I figured out a long time ago there only two kinds of official statements ...  The kind used by Lucifer and his band of fools. Fools who apply to this form of occupation. The kind used by God and those with leanings of this magnitude. The kind that is not afraid of kind words and polite sentences. On the web one never knows whom he/she will meet thus far I've been careful not to impose myself onto others. Care and consideration is the key that unlocks all other forms of relationships with one's audience. Esp when the language dedicated by the speaker is in form of writing. With film one can manipulate all manner of things given the technology in use in modern times. With Da Vinci Resolve and the like the message easily gets distorted. Literature goes straight to the head then the heart! And using a lot of if statements one only seeks to do with others what Lucifer did with Adam and Eve. Accuse God of hiding things from them. You see when I want to accuse anyone of misdeeds the words I use take the shape of a lot of if's. If you love me you will ... If you meant well you would ... If you mean to help others you must ... God employs the use of when. You shall seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. The only time God uses if statements is in connection with his commandments. If you love me you will keep my commandments. They shall know that your my disciples if you show love for one another ... I got off the beaten path for a moment there but taking detours ones in a while is rather necessary when it comes to handling sensitive issues and the scriptures are no different. As long as the one doing so does not deveate into the paths of generalities! I happen to be black nothing can change all that. When i mention Anglo-Saxon they say this dude against the  white man. Or the brown skinned folks. I think the black man in the US thinks that the black man on the continent is sort of inferior. A second class citizen of this planet. You think your the one class of humans to suffer injustice and injury from the white man? Or the oppression of slavery? Jim Crow this Red Line that KKK the other .... Or the tyranny of rules and regulations? You think that lynching of blacks or the burning of crosses and bombed out houses resulted in a worse form of slavery on your continent that it did here in Western Sahara? By the way we still suffer from colonization on the continent of Africa. Black on black violence. Western influence or should I call it sinfluence? Black men made slaves of other races as well. Egypt. The Sudan. North Africa. On the West African Coast. In Central Africa. Jews have known the oppression of slavery. Hail Hitler made a mockery of European countries. Attila the Hun because know as the Scourge of God! Ghengis Khan. The Ottoman Turks. The Muslim Caliphate. The European invasion of Africa. The French on the Polynesian Pacific. American on Samoa. Portuguese and Spanish gallian .... The Pirates of the Caribbean. American in Haiti. The Japanese on the Pacific. The Chinese in Central Asia. Tell me Preston why your feel emotional about race and ethnicity? I see colour blindness of the black men in America ... Imago DEI? Are all men created equal in the God's eye or does he lean more on the side of Americans and Europeans? The Brown Skinned Middle Eastern Latino and Anglo Saxon? Forget the third world nations right? Ebony and Ivory belonging together like Alicia Keys? Let's Be Honest ... Are there seven continents for Yahweh to choose from? Cold like Alaska or hot like Florida? It gets hot on the Equator down here as well ... My O'Connor tell me is you a Christian for real or is Bold Apparel some kind of flim flam? Your mistake for being woke can mean hatred! Or maybe you've got nothing better to spit about. Let's be honest ... No man can truly become the express imprint of the Divine. Even if truthfully that man claims to to after God's own health. Not even having health healthy omelette for breakfast 🥐 can give that man this kind of impression Preston! If this man does not stumble in anything he says and does that person is perfect capable of taming his own body ... James. So let's be honest ...  21st century Christianity what does that even mean? Cats discovered the Logos in the new millennium? Remember Josiah Hezekiah and Nehemiah? What do all three men have in common? Your my brother right so you're able to pray for me? I can't stand on my own it's like I've got two cramps. I get hit on the head with a Bible trying to bring revival. All those men while searching through rubble and the ruins of the old city came across scrolls fragments bearing bible verses somewhere in the ash heap of the Lord's House. You tell me what when on next? The caves in Koumran. The palace of King Hezekiah. The Temple Mount. The passages beneath the walls of the ancient city of Jerusalem. The Cairo Musium. The one in Bagdad. The Turkish Musium. The ruins of the Byzantine Empire. What do all such places have in common with our Christian beliefs? And you tell us that we should spend less time going through our history and more time looking into Chris's resume. Is this Jesus the Historical Christ or is he not? Let's Be Honest

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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