The Beginning, 8 years ago.

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Your eyes splinter open slowly as the sun peaked through the bars of your cell. You were bred to have more than one animal species in your genetics, you had cheetah, fox, and
Mostly wolf.

Your eyes venture downward, glaring at the scars on your arms. You were a dog fighter, held in a black market. You were bid on to go against other children. One of them always dies.

So far, you've always won. You turn your head to the right, your cell mate— a small, peach-colored male slept peacefully. You both were only 8 years old. You didn't know how to talk, what would a dog fighter need to say? You struggled to lift yourself up, your red eyes gleaming. A large, black furred panther strut by your cell. He took one look at you and grinned.
"This— this one right here." He whispered, kneeling down to your height. He held his hand and gripped the bars. Your tail wagged, and you smiled— baring your fangs. You never really had any adult interaction. "I want this one right here!" He hollered impatiently, turning to a grizzly bear trotting over.
"She's bout' 9100." The bear responded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "She's a mix— a strong one."

There was a long pause. "I'll take her." The panther whispered, glaring into your ruby red eyes. You had no idea what was happening, but you felt comforted in some way. You turn around and faced your cell mate, limping over, you nudged him awake. The grizzly snatched a key and jammed it in the hole, opening the door— creaking loudly. You gripped your hands around the other wolf, eyes wandering— you felt frightened.

"C'mere, kid." The bear reached his large hand to you. You're snapped your jaws around his bulging hand, drawing blood— before releasing the screaming grizzly and continuing holding on to your cell mate.

"YOU DAMN FUCK!" The grizzly roared, barreling his fist into your body, sending you flying into the wall, you Yelp. He grasped you by the scruff roughly and dragged you to the door, where the tall panther was waiting, foot tapping.
You shriek, reaching for your friend, who couldn't get up to try and get to you, for he was too weak. Your eyes teared up— and you began clawing, biting, and screaming— trying your best to release yourself from the grasp of the bear. He snagged a muzzle from his back pocket and jammed it around your snout, your eyes teared up. "I'll gladly escort her to the exit for you—" the grizzly suggested, "she's a handful." The panther nodded, holding his chin high and following the bear. As you pass the other dog fighters, you sunk your claws into the bear's wrist, causing him to lose his grip on your scruff. You ran, you ran as fast as you can until you couldn't anymore. You were still in the same hallway. 'How far does this building go?' You thought. The bear was angrier than before now, you could smell the fury— his fur bristled and his claws flexed as he ran to you. You grabbed onto a cell bar, holding on. As you are doing that, you make eye contact with a small fawn, with deep, hazel eyes. You reach for his hand, he hesitated— before reaching as well.

"GOTCHA!" The grizzly snagged you back by the tail, causing you to yip. He held you down and slammed his fist into your skull, having you pass out. The fawn in the one cell watched in terror, shaking. The grizzly picked the limp body of the albino. Continuing to drag her to the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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