01 - coffin

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The first thing she felt was the cold. Bone-chilling. Damp. It seeped into her body before she even opened her eyes.

"Where am I," she asked herself, eyes open but seeing nothing. Nothing but blackness.

Not even a glimmer of light from her alarm clock.

She tapped her watch, needing the reassurance of its blue-white glow. What she saw terrified her.

She was in a box. A box shaped just like a coffin.

And then she remembered; "I'm dead.", she croaked out loud without meaning to.

There was a ruffling sound outside; "What was that?", a fruity rich voice spoke.

She knew instinctively that she had done something wrong. She hastily positioned herself to be exactly like the posture she was in before she came to and briskly closed her eyes, before the lid opened ajar with a creak.

A single white light flooded the inside of the box, trying to soak through her eyelids. "I could've sworn I heard something.", came the same voice, only this time dreamier, and more pitchy.

"Check that one, you know we'll all be in grave peril if the mistress knows."

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