Part 4: despair

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I sniff the air trying to find a safe scent and as soon as I smell the air I land on two familiar scents making me smile and sprint towards them as fast as I can as pteranodons and dimophodons fly towards the direction

Y/n: the trees! Head fo the tress!

I dive into the bush with Owen and Claire joining me as a pterodactyl tries to swoop us

Y/n: I'm staying with you guys

They nod before I pick them both up underneath my arms and start sprinting at top speed back towards the abandoned building and down the path Zach and grey drove down

Claire: y/n you can't be seen by park guests remember

Y/n: The park is ending so it doesn't matter

After a few minutes we arrive at a area where people are running all over the place obviously in a panic, I look at Owen as he hopes on a quad bike as Claire gets a call

Y/n: Claire!

She hops on the quad bike and I start running beside it as it drives towards the park. We arrive and Owen is handed a tranquilliser while an intercom talks about how we can't use live ammunition. We run out only to see a sea of panicking people reminding me of my brothers and sisters who panicked when the doctor came to experiment on us. I may of only saw a handful of their faces but their screams were imbedded in my brain forever

Y/n: I shouldn't be here

I go to leave but I'm picked up by a pteranodon and I roar at it to try and make it drop me but it doesn't but another one try's to grab me in it's beak causing the other one to drop me and slip out of the others beak making me hit the floor hard winding me. A pteranodon lands on top of me and try's to peck my face but I grab it's beak before I kick it in the chest making it screech in pain before flying away

Owen: y/n

He runs over to me but before he reaches me a dimorphodon tackles him to the ground and starts trying to bite him but before it can Claire hits it off of him and starts shooting it with tranq darts. Owen stands up off the ground and kisses Claire making me chuckle as I throw my hands into the air

Y/n: yea go team

I pick myself off the ground before I look behind me to see Zach and grey

Y/n: hey guys

I wave towards them but Claire runs past me and hugs them so I walk towards Owen

Y/n: what's the plan now

Owen: get you and the kids some where safe

Y/n: no I'm going to go find indominus

I go to walk away but Owen stops me

Owen: do you know what she's capable of

Y/n: she's the least of our problems the other escapees are the problem like that velociraptor and that big dinosaur I keep hear roaring

Owen: what do you mean velociraptor the girls are all in their paddock

Y/n: no it's not one of them it's a different one... I wasn't able to speak with it for some reason

He looks at me confused before he looks away from me and at Claire and the boys

Owen: oi let's go

Time skip

We arrive at the raptor pen where I see blue, delta, Charlie and echo in their restraints making me snarl. Owen, Claire and I get out of the car as Hoskins approaches us

The experiment male human hybrid x Jurassic worldWhere stories live. Discover now