Quote 53

118 9 1

Fake friends... Never ask for food...
Real friends... Are the reason you have NO food
Fake friends... Call your parents Mr\Mrs.
Real friends... Call your parents mum\dad.
Fake friends... Have never seen you cry.
Real friends... Cry with you
Fake friends... Borrow your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
Real friends... Keep your stuff so long they forget its yours.
Fake friends... Know about you...
Real friends... Could write a book about you
Fake friends... Would knock on your front door.
Real friends... Walk right in and say "I'm home!"
Fake friends... Will help you up when you fall.
Real friends... Would jump on top of you and shout "DOG-PILE!"
Fake friends... Are around for a while.
Real friends... Are for life.
Fake friends... Would say "love you" in a joking manner.
Real friends... Say "I love you" and they mean it.
Fake friends... Will read this.
Real friends... Will steal this.

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