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It was exactly 12 AM when I woke up out of my sleep I climbed out of my bed my hair far from a pompadour-like look. It was down, completely undone. I quietly walked down from my room making sure not to wake my dad up. Untill I heard rummaging through the kitchen.

"Is someone really in my house? I've never known any robbers or thieves in morioh."

I pulled out my stand crazy diamond and confidently but a bit nervously walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell?!"

I screamed seeing okuyasu rummaging in all my chips! Snacks! And candy! ALL IF IT! His mouth was stuffed with MY food!

"What the hell are you doing in my house okuyasu!?" Of course I was angry, he was in my good! I needed that!

"I-i was just getting snacks! I promise I didn't steal a thing! Honest!"

I looked at the things he had gotten from my kitchen I sighed deeply making sure he didn't get any of dads snacks. "How did you even get in? We have a code number now so things like this wouldn't happen."

"I uh.. I just guessed- and youre 4 months older then me! That isn't fair!" I saw him pout like a little baby of how I was just a few months older then him, what a baby he is.

"Whatever.. You know Anna play video games or something since you're already here and you have snacks.." I smiled at him wanting to play the old game

''Oh that's a baseball!''

"Oh sure!" He skipped to my room with his hands and arms full of delicious snacks and drinks. Neither on if us are fat but we sure eat like we're pigs. I was in a short sleeve crop top with baggy pants and he was wearing a tank top and baggy pants. We sat there for hours watching movies, playing games, and even played board games! I, of course won every one.

Next thing I know I see the sun shining brightly okuyasu's hair is down and mine is messier. I'm on the bed with my limbs spread out with my cover hanging off the side of the bed and okuyasu asleep with his head on my bare stomach as I had my limbs spread out all over my bed, I stared at okuyasu for a while. "He's adorable when he's asleep.. So peaceful."

I looked at the clock and it was 10:35.
What was I supposed to be doing today?
10:35.. I feel like I should panic and get ready..

(Sorry for it being short! Lost a bit of motivation to go on.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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