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Izuku walked into class bored, as always. Everybody was in there friend group, but Bakugo was missing. Izuku sat down and went to sleep, and 3 seconds later Emperor came in.

"Listen you guys. Unfortunately, Katsuki Bakugo has been expelled." said Emperor.

A few gasps and whispers were heard, but Izuku was still asleep.

"Why was Bakubro expelled?" said Kirishima.

"But I mean, it was gonna happen sooner or later. He attacked Izuku, set off a dangerous explosion at Izuku, and was an overall dick." said Kaminari.

"ENOUGH!" said Emperor, getting everybody to shut up.

"Let this be a warning for you all. U.A. does not tolerate trying to harm other students, unless in training. There is also a no bullying rule, which Bakugo broke on many occasions in his past middle school." said Emperor.

"Anyway, you all have more pressing matters to attend to. You need to pick a class representative." said Emperor.

Immediately people shouted for them to be picked. Izuku was still asleep, oblivious to everything.

"Everybody, we should all vote for a representative." said Ida.

"Well won't everybody pick for themselves?" said Kaminari.

"Well then if someone gets more then 1, then they are the most fit." said Ida.

The class nodded, before writing there choice. In the end, Ida and Momo got picked for the job. They all went to lunch, with Izuku still asleep. At lunch, Ida, Ururaka, Kirishima, and Genos were at a lunch table. They were talking about some different things.

"Hey Kirishima, are you the son of the S class hero Tank Top Master?" said Genos.

"Yeah, he's my old man. I have the strength to rival him, but I don't think I'll ever make it to his level." said Kirishima.

"Don't ever doubt yourself Kirishima. That could put lives on the line." said Genos.

"That reminds me, Ida are you related to the rank 2 C class hero Ingenium?" said Ururaka.

"Yes, he's my eldest brother." said Ida.

Before anything else could happen, alarms started ringing. Second and third years panicked, while the first years followed the instructions. (I don't feel like writing this out. It goes like canon.)

Meanwhile in class, Izuku is still dead sleep, but behind him is a shadow.

"We'll meet tomorrow Deku, and I'll kill you." said Bakugo.

(The Next Day)

"Today we will be going on a field trip." said Emperor.

"Where are we going?" said Jiro.

"We are going to an off campus facility, to practice rescue training. I will be teaching the class, along with All Might and another faculty member. You have the option to where your P.E. uniform or your hero costume." said Emperor.

"Rescue training, the most important part about being a hero." said Momo.

Izuku was chewing gum, not caring.

At the bus, Everybody was wearing there hero costume with the exception of Kaminari, as his was destroyed by Genos. Ida tried to maintain order by telling everybody to sit by seating, but was left disappointed as it was an open bus. Everybody sat down, with Izuku sitting in the way back.

Too Strongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें