Our first kiss..<3

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(Btw i will try to write Any type of story! Nsfw, Fluff, etc. feel free to suggest whatever comes to your mind!Im not the best at smut btw so if i do write that, it may not be the best:,). I also take requests from Discord, Instagram, Dms, comments, and tiktok:) If you want any of them ill be more than happy to send you the info directly:))
ss in pic above taken by me, (its hella old) if u wish to friend me pls ask:)
Also A/N Real quick Cream Puff and Madeleine are siblings:), While Latte and Espresso are siblings:)))

Madeleine and Espresso thought it would be a good idea to go out for a quick date after a long battle, They both agreed that "they would be going as friends, and that it was just a small hang out" Although neither of them wanted to just be friends, They both wished to be more that friends, But to them, That was just a fairytale. It was any other day in the kingdom, Some kids were playing tag, Others were trying to get free candy from random cookies. Some Cookies were having conversations with others, While some others practiced their combat skills.

It was a rather windy morning, Madeleines Hair flew in the wind, His cape following along with the same movements. He was talking with Cream Puff, His younger sister. Cream Puff was showing off her newly found spells to Madeleine. Most of which failed. But some did work, Just rather, Not well. "I must say, Your getting better and better by the days! Great job, PuffBall!" Madeleine said with his same tone he seemed to always spoke in. "Heh, Thanks Mads!! Ms. Latte Says that during our next session we will try a new spell!! Im super excited!!" Cream Puff practically yelled.

As they continued their conversation, Espresso came running out of his house, In a panic. A few seconds after he got outside there was an explosion from inside, Not a big one, but one big enough to cause a cookie harm. Only a window had broken. A few Cookies ignored it, But Madeleine ran over to Espresso. "Ba- Espresso! Are you alright? What was that??" Madeleine asked worriedly, Concerned for his "friend". "Yes, Everything is under perfect control. Just a minor set back." Espresso Comforted Madeleine, Fixing his glasses with one hand, And putting the other one on madeleines cheek.

Madeleine blushed a small bit, But proceeded with making sure everything was ok. "What caused the explosion?.." Madeleine got a bit closer to Espresso. "I just zoned out thinking about yo- Uh I mean.. I just zoned out thinking about something while pouring some Espresso into a tube, And it caused a reaction.." Espresso looked down blushing, Almost admitting how he had zoned out thinking if madeleine, While watching him from the window in his home lab. (A/N:IDK WHAT TO CALL IT SORRY..)

"I see. Perhaps you should try to be more careful, Essy." Madeleine placed his hand on Espressos face, And their bodies slowly got closer. It felt to them as if time was starting to slow down. Their eyes slowly closing holding eye contact.

"Madeleine! There you are! Ive been looking all over for you!! Princess cookie would wish to speak with y-" Knight cookie ran towards Madeleine and Espresso. "Uh.. Am i Interrupting something?.." Knight cookie backed up.
"N-No! Do not worry dear friend, Ill see myself to the palace now." Madeleine said, Backing up from Espresso.

Espresso stood there in shock of what they almost did. Knight cookie began walking back to the castle. "Meet me at our spot, At 6~!" Madeleine whispered as he placed his hand on Espressos shoulder, Gave him a smile, then followed Knight.


"I wonder when that idiot's gonna show up." Espresso whispered to himself, Waiting in a small hidden island in the far end of the kingdom. It had light pink flooring with small hearts, Bushes of berries surrounding the sides of the platform; A wooden box with flowers on the onside of which Espresso waited on, a table with a pot of flowers, drinks, and two chairs, a small canvas with a chair in front, and behind in a more hidden side of the platform remained unseen from where espresso sat, ans in every corner a lamppost lighting the area with soft pink lighting.

"My dearest! My deepest apologies for running late! Angel was in need of an axe! im pretty sure they said so they could fly higher.. not sure how it'd help, But i am here now!" Madeleine said, Panting, Jumping over the small surrounding galaxy looking water.

"No need to worry, As long as your here now." Espresso stood up, And hugged madeleine."May I know why you invited me here? It was kinda sudden." Espresso looked up at Madeleine, still not letting him go. "I uh.. Just wanted to be able to spend more time with you my dear friend! Nothing more!" Madeleine replied, feeling a bit of sweat begin to appear, along with some blush. "Well then, Im all yours."

They talked for hours. Not about anything certain, Just things that had happened since they last hung out, and random daily things that occurred. After not too long, silence fell over them. They were both seated at a small table they both set up. The sunset dimming out the light. Madeleine could do anything but stop staring at Espresso. The way his hair was slightly messy from when they laughed together, the way his jawline was sharp, yet soft. The way his eyes still managed to shine through the dim light. Was he in love? This definitely wasn't the first time he'd zoned out staring at Espresso. No.. He's done it a million tomes before. It was almost addicting to look at Espresso.

Not too far into Madeleine's thoughts, Espresso turned to look at him. "Its.." He paused for a moment. "It's getting a little late, I think I'm gonna head out. It was truly an honor to be able to spend time with you, Madeleine." Espresso stood up, Fixing his clothes, then his glasses. "Oh, right. It was an honor to hang out with you as well, 'Spress." Madeleine as well stood up. They both made their way to the grass surrounding their little date area. Espresso began to walk away after saying goodbye. But before he knew it he was pulled back. "What the he- oh, What is it?" Espresso looked up at Madeleine. "Forgive me." Madeleine said before he pulled Espresso closer, placing one hand on his waist, and the other on Espresso's cheek. Espresso's hands landed on Madeleine's collar bone. "Wha-mmf" Espresso tried to speak. Warmth. Softness. A slight bit of sweetness. Espresso chased after it. He pulled back from it. "Did you jus-" Espresso was cut off. Again. "I love you." Madeleine spoke, looking away, his face was turning cherry red. "Please. I know your gonna reject me, so just do it quick-" It was now Espressos turn to cut him off. He kissed Madeleine. "I love you too, idiot."

They stood together, holding each other in their arms. Was this all it took? Such simple movements, so little. But, its so much at the same time. Why? Why didn't they do this sooner? They've loved each other for so long,, yet, only now do they reveal their love. Gosh, These two idiots. At least now..

They can be together, freely.

1264 words (story)<3

Hello everyone! Im deeply sorry for completely dropping this story. A lot of stuff has happened. My birthday recently passed, and i was really busy. And school took up a lot of my time as-well. I know this isnt a good excuse but please take this as my apology. This originally was gonna be my first story to upload but i lost motivation to do it. I also recently deleted CRK, so this is OFFICIALLY my last update for this unless i get extremely bored and decide to update this book. Which honestly isnt likely. Thank you all so much for all the support, and for waiting so long for this shitty upload. love you all<3 and sorry for any possible typos.
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