19.09 | this is how i celebrate

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I undress my body.
Soak it in water filled with
daisies and salt from the ocean.
Hang it to dry in my
mother's balcony.
The autumn sun embraces it,
and graces it with light.
The sky clears, sweeping away
yesterday's rain and all the
thunderstorms that struck me
before that.
The clouds become sleeves for
the arms.
The earth sews itself
on my body.
The flowers bloom.
Nature takes me for its home.
I bring it inside and give it
a fresh ironing.
Smooth the wrinkles of my
past year/past life/history away.
I put it on.
This body, I wear for another year.
I adorn it with profound love
and care.
A gift I was bestowed with
to keep it safe and sound.

I call it my resting place.

(for the twenty-first time)

: cheers to me for arriving safely at the threshold of my 21st year <3

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