"Lady of the Lake" Part One

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*cue the title sequence*

"Excalibur is busted and Morgana is, is.." Douxie sighs and I sit down on the one chair in the workshop. "This never was supposed to happen." He walks over to the flickering time map as Archie speaks up.

"You did what you thought was right." Doux closes the time map continuing his rant.

"And look where that got us! History is absolutely botched! I've led us astray." I honestly didn't even knows Claire was in the room but she was reading a book if some sort.

"Morgana tried go help me save Jim, but all I saw was anger, and darkness. We share the same magic, what does that day about me?" My ears perk up at this statement.

"Claire you aren't like her at all. She possessed you, that's the only physical connection you two share." I'm interrupted by sobs of either joy or sadness I'm honestly not sure which.

"Aww, Steve. It's ok to cry." I turn my attention back to Douxie who is going through the bookshelves. He waves them off, going back to whatever be was doing. I chuckle knowing he's had just about enough of Steve. I jump at a loud wail and glare at the blonde teenager.

"It's just, the other knights, think I'm lame. They laughed at me, said I hadn't proved my worth as a knight. And Galahad called me a weenie!" He is now full on bawling into Claire's shoulder. She shoves him away, standing up.

"That doesn't sound like a real problem Steve." My dad practically sends the door flying off its hinges stomping in with broken Excalibur in hand as well as past Douxie trailing not far behind struggling with a big chest. Sadly past me is also with them, she closes the door behind her.

"Camelot is in chaos and Arthur is without his blessed weapon to defend it!" Me and my past self wince as past Douxie falls to the ground. I walk over to Douxie 2 (past Douxie), and take the chest off of him.

"Th- Thank you." He blushes and I give him a small smile setting it down on a table.

"See? That's a real problem!" my attention turns back to the others and the blonde oaf (really living up to that name), asks a really stupid question.

"What's the big deal? Can't he just buy a new one?" I look at him mouth dropped a little and wave my hand to get his attention.

"That's, that's not how it works at all. W- wait a minute let me ask you this, do you know, you're in the past?"

"Well yeah I'm not stupid." I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Without Excalibur, Arthur cannot lead Camelot to war against Gunmar." Sometimes I think my dad is really close to killing us and I think this is one if those times. Archie pops out of nowhere onto the round table quite literally jumping into the conversation.

"Which would mean the end of humanity." I kind of zoned out here not gonna lie maybe a few minutes later Merlin is waving his hand in front of my face.

"Nirvana, Nirvana! Have you been paying any attention to what I have been saying?" A guilty frown is painted on my lips and he continues. "By that look on your face I suppose not. You mind the workshop, you gather up Excalibur, we ride."

(Time skip to the ship)

"Chance to prove i'm an awesome knight! Get a monster trophy! Save the damsel! I'm in!" I sit down leaning against the railing next to Claire and Douxie walks up to us.

"Do you think Merlins plan will work?"

"Uh, I've messed up the timelines, we've run out of options. And my choices haven't exactly worked out lately."

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