chapter one

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Just like that, she was back in the same place she was one year ago. She knew that he needed a break the first time they tried their relationship and she was accepting of that but also felt her heart shatter a little as they stopped all connections of talking, when he came back and was finally ready for a new life with their relationship, she was beyond happy though that happiness she felt didnt last long and before she knew it he was gone, but she knew that he wasnt coming back this time.

It was 4 in the morning, Taylor felt numb and broken, she was heartbroken ever since she heard the news of his death. She had been crying for hours and still was, she couldnt stop herself no matter how hard she tried to, the only thing she was thinking about was the night of the phone call, she remembers being at Willows house, laughing at small jokes they made every once in a while then getting a phone call and instantly falling to the ground, breaking in tears, willow running up to help her not asking any questions just comforting her. Fuck. he was gone. He crashed his car and didnt make it. Everynight was the same since getting that call, crying, overthinking, blaming herself, more crying, feeling numb, and rarely falling asleep, she hasnt gotten a lot of sleep lately, its becoming a normal thing. tonight she fell asleep and was woken up by her alarm and a few moments later her mom coming in telling her she was going to be late for school. the past two weeks her mom had let her stay home from school because she knew how hard it was to loose a partner and best friend, but since it was Monday, her mom wanted her to try going to school to see how it was.

when Taylor was walking towards the doors of the school she felt everyone starring at her, it made her feel uncomfortable and she started thinking to herself "you look weird right now, that's why everyone is starring at you, they think your weird, they think your annoying, you shouldn't have come, youd feel better in bed" taylor shook her head to get the thoughts away before walking into the school and seeing the principle almost waiting for taylor to walk through the doors, "taylor James I'll see you in my office right now" and with that taylor starting freaking out, overthinking, not sure whats about to happen, thinking that its because she was gone the past two weeks but she couldn't even get herself out of bed, that's all she would have to tell Mr. Renard. "its good to see you back Taylor, I know how hard it must be for you in this time right now." Mr. Renard began saying, "of course you do have a lot of work you need to catch up on but your teachers are all aware about how tough things must be for you, I have told them to give you this week as a week to look over the work but it doesn't need to be finished until next Friday, so that gives you this week as a "break" to just look over everything and its up to you if you want to work on it this week or not. of course youll need to work on it next week as its due next week."

after taylors second class, she ran to the girls bathroom and locked herself in one of the 6 stalls and immediately broke down in tears, most of first and second block the teacher was talking about the death of wyatt, even though it was almost 3 weeks ago, because of this she thought the teacher was only talking about him because taylor was in class for the first time since his death. all taylor could think about was wyatt, she started blaming herself for his death again, she looked at old pictures of the two of them together and saw how happy they both were, especially her, soon her thoughts got interrupted by the bell ringing for the start of break. soon after the bell went to go back to class, taylor went into the halls and felt like she was being watched and felt everyone starring at her again, she had a feeling that some people were watching her since her boyfriend did die not too long ago. taylor got through the day, hardly, as the day seemed to be dragged on and on.

authors note:

this is a short chapter, I started writing it in this kind of mood and by the end of this chapter I was rlly just starting to get out of the mood and bcuz of that the chapter started going down hill sorry about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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