Chapter 10 Breaking the Fourth Wall

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I hope I didn't offend any English people in this chapter •_•
Let it be noted that I was half asleep when I wrote this.

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx has joined the game

Neal_Charming has joined the game

Neal_Charming: ello hendrick

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: what the heck? Neal?

Neal_Charming: yes henry it is I Neal your uncle

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: Ok I would ask how your talking but that seems normal, but why are you British?

Neal_Charmingl: I have achieved intelligence dear boy after Zelena's spell nearly killed me the time traveling spell aged my brain 30 years into the future

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: still doesn't explain why you're British

Neal_Charming: Well in the future I meet an English woman, we fell in love, then we made passionate love together under the stars

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: .........I think I just puked a little in my mouth

Neal_Charming: our time together was amazing but then she had to fight in the war and I never saw her again :'( (I honestly don't know why I went with this?XD)

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: Oh well I promise in 30 years I will help you find her

Neal_Charming:you are the greatest nephew ever

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: so what does she look like anyway?

Neal_Charming:well she's pink-ish

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: uh huh

Neal_Charming: she loves eating carrots

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: uh huh

Neal_Charming: she stands on four legs

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: uh...huh

Neal_Charming: and she has a snout


Gives xX_CobraMongoose_Xx 1 pig spawn egg

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: here

Neal_Charming: thank you so much

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: was...was your girlfriend....really a.......pig.....

Neal_Charming: naw XD

^Emma skypes Henry^

"Ha I got you"

"Mom...that was you this entire time?"

"Sure was, I was going to play this on Mary Margaret or David, but when you logged on I knew I had to try it on you"

"Well it worked, I actually thought my uncle was British."

"I'm glad I pulled this prank on you instead of MM or David, because David would high five baby Neal and MM would be skeptical on letting Neal date"

"Mom that is racist"

"I was not being racist I meant she will be skeptical, because all that talk about her newborn baby having images of "tacos"(this is a Oncers thing) would probably freak her out"

"like when she freaked out over swan queen?"

"Swan-what now?"

"um...uh..I gotta go...bye!"

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx has left the game


As Emma holds Neal in her arms and then she spawns the pig on the grass

"Neal can you say pig?" Emma asked

"Pehhhahh" Neal responds

"Close enough" Emma thought

Meanwhile on a private server

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: can you please tell me who you are


xX_CobraMongoose_Xx:Why not :(

_Author: It's a secret but you can stay tuned to the next episode of once upon a time airing tonight on abc at 8:00

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: You are weird

_Author: you broke the fourth wall before I did

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: how did you know

_Author: I'm the author I know all!
I know when you are sleeping🎶🎅
I know when your awake🎶🎄

xX_CobraMongoose_Xx: :o are you Santa Claus?:D

_Author: -______- this is why I don't interact with people

Hey guys thanks for reading btw do you think Santa Claus is the Author yes or no and if you got suggestions please suggest some I'm running out of ideas.

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