Some of our SPECIALS

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(A/n: A little bit Long chapter ahead! )


Those late night phone calls, video calls, kisses, hugs, ear kisses and many more. You gave me more than special things that I ever wanted. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

You remember, you told me in the starting that you'd love to have a love letter from me!? Well... this isn't certainly a love letter but I wanted to write something to you.

I know I've sent numerous long-long paragraphs to your chatbox, that how much you hurt me... how much we disappoint each other... how many problems have came between us now and how more problems they would cause... But let's ditch the negative and focus on the positive for now, shall we?

We've spent many beautiful, exciting, fun and sexy moments together. We've even spent hurtful, chaotic, regretful and disappointing moments as well with each other... And let's not lie, we've spent moments when you got a little tired of me and I got a little tired of you; and we broke up many times in our journey... But we still found a way to be with each other.

I don't know about how and what our future holds for us and no matter how many times we've hurt each other and no matter that we started this relationship saying... 'Forget everything. We'll see how long it'll go!'

I loved you... I loved you with every thing I had....

You're a very wonderful person, Jimin and no matter whatever we're facing between us now... you still are wonderful. And I feel very lucky to have you in my life... You are really special for me babe and I can't even explain you how much... I really don't know how to explain how lucky I feel to have you... and always been scared to lose you as well.

I just wanna thank you for all those special moments you gave me.... for all the things you taught whether as a teacher, a boyfriend, a friend, or just as a person. Thanks for being in my life babe. You've been the wonderful gift for me which I never hoped I would have.

No matter what happens to 'us' in the very future and how you choose to remember me in the future... always remember, you'll always gonna be the most special person for me.

Love you! ( ◜‿◝ )♥


A/n: Before anybody ask (I just think that someone might have thought this), this is not a death note. And 'that person' is fine and healthy physically. Don't know about mental health. Thank you! 😊

UNSAID FEELINGS || PJM FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora