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Another weekend arrived, finally she could sleep and rest without that pest bothering her

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Another weekend arrived, finally she could sleep and rest without that pest bothering her. She was even surprised at how much he was beginning to invade her thoughts without her consent whether be it good or bad. Still, she couldn't give him any part of her. He'll probably throw her away after all this so she wouldn't let it happen. What else could he be after? Nothing.

She couldn't have known that fate would take a turn and flip her world upside down.

It was night time and she was alone at her house as her parents were out for a company meeting and they wouldn't be returning till dusk. She knew she was going to spend another day in the warmth of her loneliness. As much as she hated it, she was pretty much used to it but she couldn't blame her parents who were working hard for her.

Sighing, she poured the warm milk into a cup before continuing to add some honey to it. It had rained outside so a warm cup of milk was what she craved for.

She brought the warm mug to the lounge where she planned on watching tv. Before she could even take a sip of her warm milk, the bell rang.

For a moment she was scared out of her wits. It can't be her parents.

Who could it be?

She took a frying pan on her way to the door. She asked for whoever was outside but there was no reply.

She opened the door and before she could swing the fry pan at whoever's head it was.

She was greeted by the sight of Park Sunghoon who was all drenched in water probably from the rain. His slightly damp hair stick to his forehead which he brushed back, leaving a strand out. She fought the urge to caress it away from getting in his eye.

"Hey," Sunghoon said lowly with his signature smile.

"I missed you."

As soon as the realization hit her, she shut the door in his face. Taking a good moment to question her fate. Why is he here now?

She paced back and forth before the door. Leaning her ear close to the door to see if the boy on the other side was still breathing or not because she sure as hell knew that he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

Mustering up her courage, she took a deep breath before opening the door to see Sunghoon still standing the way she had left him before except the fact that his skin was turning paler than usual.

She knew that she would regret doing this but she wasn't that relentless to leave the boy at the mercy of the chilly wind outside. He could get sick and she didn't want to be blamed for it. At least, that's what she told her heart.

Pulling the boy inside, she shut the door. Her eyes trailed off to her cup of milk which had turned cold by then. She frowned slightly before realizing that the boy was frozen in his spot. She didn't get the chance to ask him about the reason for his visit while she was mourning over her warm milk.

"You better have a nice reason to show up at my door," she glared at Sunghoon who was fumbling with his fingers.

She went on to remake her warm milk but this time pulling out another cup from the cupboard for the visitor. Pouring warm milk in the two cups, she took them to the table. Pulling her chair out, she sat on it before placing the other cup in front of a chair not too far from her and gestured to the boy to take a seat. She wasn't that cruel.

Hesitantly, the boy took a seat and continued to stare at the steam flowing out of the warm milk.

"You better start the talking, boy," she expectantly looked up to Sunghoon who was acting weird lately. She didn't know how she was calm in such a situation but there she was sitting at the same table with the guy she couldn't bear any other day. Maybe it's the rain that calmed her and brought the best out of her or perhaps it's the loneliness lingering in her heart.

"I missed you. That's all," he referred to the question she had asked him earlier.

She was disappointed to hear him.

She scoffed and stood up, her chair scraping against the floor as she did so.

"You can leave now," sighing, she turned towards the tap to wash her cup.

She heard the chair scrape against the floor suggesting that Sunghoon must be leaving. As much as the loneliness was gnawing at the young girl's heart, she wanted him to stay. She hated to admit it but for once she craved a partner. She craved to feel the warmth that she has been longing for.

She turned the tap on and began washing the dishes, with silence engulfing the house that she once called her home.

Too lost in her own little world, she let out a muffled scream when she felt someone grab her waist. A pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She looked up in pure concussion to see Sunghoon burying his head in the crook of her neck. His lips were dangerously close to her neck, his ragged breath sending tremors along her nerves. Her body stiffened upon the contact with his chest. She felt numb all of a sudden, all she could hear was the throbbing of her heart. That's when she felt something warm on her neck. Reckoning what Sunghoon was doing, she pushed him with all her might.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME? YOU FUCKING CREEP!" she was still dazed by his sudden actions of endearment.

Sunghoon stumbled but then finally stood up straight but she could see that he was struggling with it. That's when she realized that he wasn't sober.

"Did you drink?" 

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