Part 3

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--Denki POV--

I stumble my way around campus until someone finally comes looking for me. I guess I wasn't important enough to send one of my classmates, because they sent Shinso to pick me up. I don't mind though, he's a really cool guy. Purple is my favorite color so we're basically besties.

Shinso sighs when he sees me. He does that a lot.

"They were right," he says tiredly, "you short circuited. Guess I'm getting you to the Hero Course dorms."

I sway a little and grin at him stupidly.

Shinso grabs my wrist and starts leading me back to the dorms as quickly as possible. He probably wants to get back to class. I might as well mess with him a bit, since I won't get any blame for it, being in dumb bitch mode. One could argue that I'm always in dumb bitch mode, but that's not the point right now.

I keep the der face and let myself flop. I sit down hard on the grass, and Shinso is jerked back a bit. 

Shinso turns around, giving me a 'oh come on' look. I get that a lot. 

"Will out please stand up?" Shinso asks.

I stand up and follow him back to the dorms, occasionally falling forward on top of him or just sitting down. It's a nice pass time. 

We finally get back to the dorms and I'm helped into my absolute disaster of a room. He sits me down and leaves, locking the door from the inside, probably so that I won't wonder off and get hurt, but when I'm 'normal' again I can just unlock the door. It's a system, I guess, but now I'm lonely. 

Might  as well take this as an opportunity to skip some classes; it's not like I'll learn anything anyway. I take out the drive and slip it under my mattress. noBodY wIlL eVer lOoK tHerE, oBvIouSly. 

Time passes, and I quickly get bored. My classmates should be getting back to the dorms soon, and I want to get out of my room. However, if they find me chilling in the common area, they'll ask me how long I've been there and why I didn't just get back to class. Then they won' believe me if I say I've only been coherent for a short time, not because they're suspicious of me, but more likely because it's in my character to loose track of time and miss classes. 

I grab a ping pong paddle and start repetitively bounce a ping pong ball against one of the only free spaces of wall in the room. 

"Is this a good activity?" I ask the empty room, then laugh at myself.

After a few minutes of that, I put on some music to fill the void and deafen my thoughts, as one does when their alone with their brain waves. 

Finally, after what feels like forever,  I hear them come home. I probably should wait a bit longer, but I'm not going to. 

I go to throw open my door, realize it's locked from the inside, unlock it, THEN throw it open and race to the stairs and ride the railing down. I stumble off the banister at the bottom, landing before a handful of my peers. The others are probably somewhere else on campus, maybe studying or training? Or getting something to eat? Either way, there's people! I'm not all by myself! 

"Oh finally!" I say, "You're back! That was, like, forever."

"Uh," Jiro says, raising an eyebrow. "Shinso brought you back to the dorms about thirty minutes ago. How long have you been, you know-"

"Less of a dumbass." Bakugo finishes her sentence.

I force a "guilty" laugh. "Like . . .I dunno. Less than that."

Kiri grins at me. 

"What's time anyway?" Sero jokes, "Didn't Einstein say something about it?"

"Yeah!" I agree, "He said 'time is irrelevant', or something."

"I'm pretty sure it was relative," Kirishima corrects as he sets down his bag and sits on the couch, "but you know, that's relative to."

"I think I know what relative means," I shrug, sitting down next to him. 

"I did at one point," Sero contemplates. 

"Oh yeah we were talking about it that one time," Mina says, joining us on the now fairly crowded couch.

"I think we were stoned," Sero muses.

"You idiots probably were," Bakugo snorts, sitting down in the middle of the couch, forcing the rest of the couch sitters scrunch to the sides to make room for him. 

"Hey guys," I say, "wanna watch a movie or something? We are all on the couch."

"No," Bakugo says, folding his arms, "it's a Tuesday."

"Oh yeah forgot Kacchan's a nerd," I mutter under my breath. Thankfully, he doesn't hear me. He doesn't hear a lot of things sometimes. I wonder if he's going deaf sometimes. I wonder if I'm going deaf sometimes. Maybe I just don't listen well enough. 

"Anyone else hungry?" Sero asks. 

"I could eat," Kiri says.

"Mhmm," I second. 

"Same," Mina agrees.

We all look as Bakugo.

"I am not fucking cooking for any of you helpless dumbasses. Figure it out yourselves," Bakugo shuts us down immediately.

"Okay then," I say, "I'll just go learn how to use a stove." I get up from the couch and head off to the dorm kitchen.

"Oh no," I hear Kiri say, "he almost burned down the kitchen making hot chocolate-"

"God fucking dammit," Bakugo growls, storming after me to the kitchen. He pushes me out of the way and starts aggressively looking through the cupboards for ingredients. "GET OUT OF HERE, DUNCE FACE."

I jog back to the couch. 

"And that's on getting free food," I grin at the others. 

Jiro laughs.

"Ah, yes," Sero says, "threatening to burn down the house."

"Super heroic!"  Mina giggles.

"Oh if you think I'm 'heroic' you should meet some of my other friends-" I laugh, "they'd totally burn this place down!" If only they knew how many times has lit the stove on fire, usually on purpose.  It's Spinner who has no idea how to use he stove- nobody can trust him near it. He lit Toga's hair on fire once; it didn't end well for anyone.

"You have other friends?" Kiri asks. "Oh- sorry, that sounded rude.-"

I force a laugh. "Yeah, some older friends. I've know them longer than I've known y'all. You haven't met them," I say. 'Or, well, you haven't been formally introduced. You definitely remember meeting them, though,' I think. 

"Would we like them?" Sero asks.

"Uhh," I says a little nervously, "I don't think so."

Sero's about to say something back, and from the expression on his face I know it's probably not good. However, I'm saved by Bakugo yelling "HEY LEECHES! COME HELP ME SET THE FUCKING TABLE; FOOD'S READY!"

As we rush to the kitchen, I let out a little sigh of relief. I slipped up there; I can't afford to do that again.


Hi! It's me again. As always, any suggestions or  general comments are appreciated! 

Sorry for the wait.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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