Chapter 26

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I slapped Caden's hand away as I tried to finish the dishes, shooting him an annoyed look.

"Are you really trying to start something? Your brother's going to be here soon along with Jason, Sara, Ben, and the twins."

"So?" He said challengingly, one hand slipping under the front of my shirt while the other unhooked my bra.

I squirmed under his hands, trying not to let his touch affect me. "Jason and Tobias are going to tease you again if they find us in another compromising position."

He scowled at the memory of them interrupting us mid-coitus by knocking on the door wanting to play video games. One of the stranger developments in Tobias being around more often was how quickly he and Jason had bonded. They both found an odd delight in other people's embarrassment.

I had barely finished putting the last dish on the drying rack when Caden threw me over his shoulder and walked into our living room. He tossed me gently onto the cushy couch before caging me in with his arms.

"Caden!" I exclaimed, but the irate warning came off more as a giggle that wasn't very convincing as he lifted up my shirt and began to press kisses on my skin.

Not able to resist any longer, I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled his face up so I could kiss him. He didn't seem to mind, threading his hands through the hair on the back of my head and returning my gesture with a feverish enthusiasm. His hands had just begun to unhook the button on my shorts when a knock on the door made him pull away with a groan. I laughed at the pout on his face, dancing out of his grip to re-hook my bra and button my shorts back up.

"Bastards." He muttered as I walked to the door.

"We heard that!" Isaac called right as I opened the door, a huge grin on his face.

"Weren't you with Jason?" I asked them, confused that it was only Isaac and Derek. After Jason decided he would be sticking around for longer, the three of them had rented a larger apartment together.

"Nope," Derek responded as they walked inside. "He got a call from Tobias and ran out about an hour ago. Said he'd meet us here."

"Hey guys!"

I had barely begun to shut the door when Sara and Ben exited the elevator next to our door.

"Hey there!" I returned Sara's greeting cheerfully, kissing her on the cheek and closing the door behind her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me, her eyes flickering to my legs and the wheelchair folded next to the door.

I shrugged. "More good days than bad, which is progress. I've been out of the wheelchair all day today at least."

"That's amazing!" Ben gave me an encouraging smile.

Even eight months after the accident I knew he still felt incredibly guilty for the blow hitting me instead of him, but if I was being completely honest that accident was a huge reason behind why the pack had accepted me so readily. I had a suspicion that a number of them never truly had any issues with humans and had only put on airs because of the clear distaste Emmett had for them, but by jumping in front of Ben I had in some way proved myself to those that did have doubts about a human being their Luna.

"I heard from Nicole, yesterday." Sara let me know as we walked into the living room. Caden must have gone into the bathroom because the twins were the only ones sitting on the couch.

"How's she doing?" I asked, missing my other friend.

"Still searching." She said sadly. "She's been through the nearby packs and is now wondering if she should check out some human cities as well just in case her mate is human."

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