Chapter 2: Lillian the hunted

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Part 1: the concept of death

Case file #67
May 7th, 1974
Chicago Illinois, Johnson family home

After examining the home and interviewing Mrs. Johnson along with her two children, We do believe their accounts are credible and are to be looked into further. Though for ambiguity sake I remain skeptical, Lorraine has stated both seeing and sensing a form of energy attached to the house. However, she cannot formulate a description. Whether the daughter is exhibiting the first signs of possession remains to be seen.


"The good news is we believe you- but that's also the bad news. Meaning you could have a serious haunting on your hands." Ed Warren warned looking at Ms. Johnson gravely.

It was a rainy Tuesday evening and Heather had arrived home from school to find not only her mother but Ed and Lorraine as well sitting around the kitchen table. It had been two days since their first appearance in her foyer and while Heather's uneasiness towards them hadn't fully gone away, she did find it easier to trust the couple upon their blessing of the house. She no longer felt the panicked urge to run anytime they merely looked at her and this, albeit small, but impactful progress is what kept Heather resolutely planted in the room. Though she was scared, the idea of knowing what was happening to her family and why was just too strong to keep her from shying away.

"Groovy, this is just like Scooby Doo!" Her brother chirped from behind the refrigerator door. He obviously hadn't absorbed the gravitas of the situation and was still too concentrated on his afterschool snack to notice that nobody jumped to agree with him.

"Well if this is Scooby Doo then you're shaggy." Heather smirked, grabbing the milk carton out of Teddy's grubby hands. With the Wheaties tucked firmly under her arm, Heather made her way to the table to listen and eat. Or rather annoy her brother by doing so seeing as she wasn't really hungry. And it seemed to have done the trick too because a second later teddy stormed out the door.

Lorraine laughed lightly. "Not quite." She said more to Heather than anyone else but the woman's smile slipped slightly as she nervously wriggled her rings. "While it's fun to think of what we do as like a cartoon, it can be quite dangerous and lacking in all playfulness." The tone was sobering.

Ed glanced at his wife, his face betraying a look of shock for only a moment before he nodded. "Please understand we don't take hauntings lightly as we have seen them turn deadly in the past."

"Oh!" Mrs. Johnson gasped horrified. "Well if this- this haunting thing is happening to us what can we do?"

Heather's stomach knotted, feeling just as scared as her mother looked. listening intently, the young girl absentmindedly dropped her spoon in the uneaten cereal. Thinking nothing of the little plunk sound it made, she was too focused on what the couple had to say next.

"Well an exo-" Ed started but was promptly cut off.

"Oh look what you've done! You've spilled milk everywhere! Incompetent child!" Heather's mother exploded suddenly. "Now I'm going to have to clean this up because you can't do anything right."

Heather gawked as her mother fumbled with the napkins. 'Milk everywhere' was quite a strong term for the small white puddle that had accumulated under the bowl and it certainly wasn't enough to be shouted over. Heather tried to voice this, though as usual it was all for not as Mrs. Johnson was too busy hemming and hawing to even hear her daughter's complaints.

"Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson please! It's only milk." Lorraine exclaimed, her words merely mixing into the chaos. So it was no surprise then, when rather than stopping Heather's mother continued with a fervor.

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